So the results have been coming in slowly as of today. They were pretty much as I expected, like which ones were good

and which were bad.
But after just getting trials and major work in I was pretty not too bad about the bad results because I expected them, and all I reallly want to do is take them as learning curves for the actual HSC, which is what they are for.
So so far, there as such:
Adv Eng: 41/45 Pretty good seeing as I lost most of my marks on creative, and they were very harshly marked, most people got around 7. So I was happy as I was thrown by creative topic.
Adv Eng Paper 2: I got what I thought was my weaker module essay back today and got 20/20 with the rest coming back on Wed
Bio: 91.5/100 SO stoked I got full marks on the communication part as I was away for a large part of it
Chem: 72.5/100 Well it's not great but, but seeing as I did well in all the assessments during the year I will probably end up with a respectable rank. I'm going to focus more study efforts on chem, and with the real HSC at least I have a week before my chem as my last exam and not having it on the same day as another sub!
Mod: I got 20/25 on one section I got back, and 10/10 on another, unfortunately they were my best sections of the paper
But should get rest of Eng and Mod back Wed, EE1 probably get back to tomorrow, Maths probs tomorrow.