i had to make up a log book at the end of a performane last year and i was as lost as you.
just wright the process you went through in a diray format.
we read 7 stages in class today and it gave me a mad idea. they had a massive block of ice suspended by 7 wires from the roof and it was melting the whole time. i thought that if i make a chair out of ice it would look so kool. it would also show the wasting away of my character. im going to ask my teacher, mr kissmy ass, if its a good idea.
i talked to sir today and he reminded me that i have to sit in that chair for most of my act and that i was only wearing my speedos so i would catch a cold. i might use the ice somewhere else.........
something like that. good luck!!
(p.s. not a real extract from my logbook, im not stupid, just bored. lol)