@mikrokosmos My deepest condolences to you and your family. May your parent rest in peace.
How do they know how many points to allocate to each person? Say your in a low socio-eco place, is it automatically 5 pts? Also does anyone know a way to lodge EAS for disrupted learning due to covid or does it have to be medically related?
Edit: I might as well just at the walking wikipedia
Walking Wikipedia here, it doesn't send a notification that you've mentioned me if it's an edit to a post you've already made
Some additional information regarding EAS I will include should other users be interested or unsure:
There are 25 specific disadvantages that institutions will consider under EAS. The disadvantages are grouped into nine broad categories, which are as follows:
1. Disrupted schooling:
Disadvantages under this category include:
- The student attended three or more different secondary schools during Years 10, 11 and 12
- The student (whose first language is English) moved to Australia after the beginning of Year 11
- The student moved interstate after the start of Year 11
- The student is studying one or more year 12 subjects through distance education or an access program
2. Financial hardship:
Disadvantages under this category include:
- The student is receiving Youth Allowance, Austudy or ABSTUDY
- The student is receiving other Centrelink means-tested benefits
- The student is experiencing exceptional financial hardship
- The student's parent(s)/guardian(s) received Family Tax Benefit Part A during Year 11 and/or Year 12 (or equivalent).
- The student's parent(s)/guardian(s) received JobKeeper payments and/or COVID-19 Disaster Payments for at least three months during the student's Year 11 and/or Year 12 (or equivalent) studies.
- The student's parent(s)/guardian(s) received the JobSeeker allowance for a period of at least three months from March 2020 onwards.
3. Severe family disruption:
Disadvantages under this category include:
- Death of an immediate family member/close friend
- Life-threatening/severe illness of an immediate family member/close friend
- Divorce or separation of parents or applicant
- Criminal/legal matters for offences not committed by the applicant
- The student, their parents, or any of their siblings have experienced severe abuse for a period of at least six months during Year 11 and/or 12 (or equivalent).
- The student experienced was affected by a natural disaster.
4. Excessive family responsibilities:
Disadvantages under this category include:
- The student has excessive responsibility for the care of children/other family members
- The student is equired to work to support their family or themselves.
- The student has had excessive responsibility for the care of themselves, while living independently, with no family/partner support, for a period of at least six months during Year 11 and/or Year 12 or equivalent.
5. English language difficulty:
Disadvantages under this category include:
- ESL student/started school in Australia in Year 11 or Year 12
- ESL student/started school in Australia in Years 7 to 10
- ESL student/entered Australia in 2017 or later
6. Personal illness/disability:
The disadvantage under this category is:
- The student suffers from a disability or a long-term medical condition
7. Refugee status:
The disadvantage under this category is:
- Refugee status: The student is, or has previously been, the holder of an Australian refugee visa.
8. School environment:
This relates to schools in rural areas, specific information is available using the following link:
9. Socio-economic indexes for areas (SEIFA):
The disadvantage under this category is:
- The residential address you entered in the student's UAC undergraduate application is identified by the Australian Bureau of Statistics as being in the lowest 25% of socio-economic disadvantage in Australia.
Additional information, such as eligibility criteria for each category and disadvantage can be accessed using the following link:
There are seven categories of long-term educational disadvantage. Select to view the eligibility criteria and required documentation.
I would like to encourage everyone who is experiencing any of those disadvantages (i.e. to whom any of the above disadvantages apply) to apply for EAS as it could be extremely helpful, which has been sadly demonstrated through OP's initial post.
Best of luck guys!