History. You just memorise stuff and write it. No skills involved unless you are analysing sources
English: relies a lot on your analytical skills. Not good

Maths: relies a bit on ability as well, not just on following formulas. Some people go tutoring two times a week and still can't get as high as those who go dont go tutoring.

Science: heaps of skills involved. average is always at 60%

Geography: mapping involved, etc, etc.....very annoying. sometimes they test things you haven't learnt before! stupid school

Pe: just bullshit. You can make crap up on the spot and still get great marks
SChool Certificate aim: all band 6's (worried if I will get that for English)
HSC subjects (considering): Advanced English, 3 unit Maths, Biology, Chemistry, Business Studies, Ancient History.
uai aim:
if I stay at sefton, then it'll be: 95+
if change to fort street, then it'll be: 98+
if change to sydney girls, then it'll be: 99+