^ Actually... eco is all about bs'ing. Lol. I get 17-19/20 and I have to tell you, I bs alot of the things i say because they come to me on the spot.
But ofcourse, you have multiple paragraphs for eco - which means it alot flexible in writing one. Simplicity - > Tell then show(Like an increase of GS = increase AD and then explain how the process works) and have current info + graphs and you are already at 15 minimum haha.
Eco = bs galore, trust me. LOL
Eco is not bs galore... Only leanient teachers would let you off easily... I can gurantee that you'll not be able to bs well in the HSC exam.. trials was possible , i bsed some elements although the teacher gave me 2 pages of feedback correcting my 'trolling' LOOL ....
If you GET A VERY experienced HSC marker .. you're pretty much screwed.... they know every trend, statistic and content in their mind

.. So bsing trends and events is highly unlikely..
But what you said is true about the 15, if you explain your stuff well and have a few trends and answer the question.. 15 is minimum

HSC markers commend effort remember.. a 17 in a school assesment (given question) is 19~20 in exam conditions my teacher told.
Nice pic of Jessica btw

For the OP.
As mentioned, Economics requires more effort and dedication. Economics is fun though

.. I have so much passion for it.. that's why my performance is accelerating
