I reckon they look for the wrong reasons. I mean, last years they had some performances that I reckon wernt that good and were just in for variety sake, also i reckon they seem to be going more based on visual and audience interaction rather than listening to the music itself.
I'm trying to buy the Encore 2004 CD over the Internet but it doesn't seem to be there... does anyone know exactly what it's called so I can search for it on Amazon? Is it even available?
go there. and click on teh exceptional students work link and its got all the art expresss, encore type stuf. you can buy the cd from march 2004 which is the 2003 encore... but not the 2004 encore which is in march 2005.. if that makes any sense lol..
Tim... this is God.
U were right, it's me (Myf), yes I'm Zoltan... it's pretty lame that we both happened to be here at the same time, but it's also pretty damn funny.
Is anyone else here from school? Like do you know their screen names?