Crazy Pomo said:
Australian theatre was solid, comprehensive but very approachable and suited my texts (7 Stages and Gary's House) wonderfully. Brecht was awesome and incredibly easy. All round fucking great exam. Good one to go out on. I only just got back from having fun. Also, got to see a film for the first time in about a year. Wolf Creek, fucking great everyone go and see it! Happy Days!
Ok, for curiosities sake, WHAT did u write for the australian Theatre question?
What did u think the question was of asking you?
I just didnt fucking get it.
I agree with whoever said it was an english style question, and that threw me...
i went off on some ridiculous tangent on how theatre is a modern survival technique, and how it is the composers journey of acceptance and coping. The question was SO badly worded....
ironically the slightly less intelligent half of my class had no problems with this question, they over simplified it and thought it was easy, where as the 4 people who usually top drama essays (including me) did not understand it in the least.
And absurd, HOW did ANYONE like the absurd one? Visual and Physical? HOW LIMITING!!! what about dialogue and an over all social comments. shit shit shitty mc shit shit.
..sigh, and i couldnt find anywhere to fit in drama quotes, i had about 50, yet the given questions would not allow for them.
I HATE WHOEVER GOT BRECHT! easiest question ever!
BOARD OF STUDIES, if you are reading this, set all questions at the same level!!!
Like in english, there are different texts, but essentially each question is the same so nobody is advantaged in any way.
Experiential learning, oh come on! Anyone who does NOT get a band 6 for that question is a fool.