yeh i guess i kinda condraticed myself there...the gathering thoughts about day bit...
well maybe, or at least what i spose i do, is those minutes, which can sometimes turn into sleepless hours, before we go to sleep, we sort of run things over in our head. i dont know if it happens to you guys, but when i think of stuff that's happened during the day i tend to dream about them when i sleep. like once in year 10 or something, aaaages ago, i was atching days of our lives (taped) just before i went to bed and bo and hope and stefano were all lost in a sewerage (sp?) system thing. and i remember thinking how 'exciting' that was, that my life was as exciting as that,,and that night i remember dreaming that _I_ was in the parisian sewerage system doing something exciting or something like that..
i also sort of dreamt the 'apocalypse' a few weeks ago. it was a reeeally vivd dream. like it was really banal at first, we were all sitting in the library, and tina, one of my friends, was in a wheelchair (cos her father the minister got busted for drugs (???)...made no bloody sense at all but it did in my yeh i think that dreams don't try to make sense of your reality, but rather your imagination fucks with reality and you get a twisted version of reality? like has *bits* of reality but also a lot of fuction...i dunno) annnyway so we were in the library and tina wanted to go to maths, so we went, and our maths teacher was teaching us some boring maths, then tim told her to shut up cos there was this huge cyclone coming towards us (out the window), then this cyclone turned into a flood....
and before we knew it all these safari animals from africa were flooding past us , and then WE started to get dragged into the flood. i remember going next door and hearing kat say "oh my god its the apocalyspe". and then we travelled along in this flood for a long time, and eventually we arrived at some snowy it was friggin cold and snowy, and the classroom we had travelled in had turned into a train carriage.
and then i woke up, and in my fucked-uppedness due to such a weird dream i remember thinking, wow, god is so smart...he's displacing us from our normal climatic regions so that we die, cos we were in some snowy place with no warm clothing, and all the african animals were in carlingford...i realised latert that that made NO fuCKING SENSE!~!
anyway that was the end of my long dream. i jsut had to write it down somewhere. its the most realistic dream ive ever had...ive woken up a few times thinking im hearing flood noises...