imhere4themusic said:
Whats so good about my life Sashathe Man is that I don't need to hear about all the depressing stuff going on in the news....I mean, yes, there is worse people off in the world; what with the tsunami, the people living on rubbish dumps in the phillipines and in ethiopia, but I don't want to hear about it everyday. I am an average Australian teenager, I can't afford to donate to all those causes, plain and simple, sounds greedy but then I won't be able to make a life here for me, and hearing about that on the news knowing that it's "current affairs" isn;t going to make me feel a whole lot better.
So what you're saying is that you're a better person because you don't need to be informed..... the sole purpose of being informed isn't to open doors to make you feel like a better person, or for entertainment. It prevents you from being so self-centred. Think of England in the 1800's. Think Jane Austen time. If we were so closed off with issues then we will always be looking inwards, and this is what I find contradicting about you saying that your life "is good" because you don't need to hear about "depressing stuff". Bad news, imhere4themusic, it's reality, or certain parts of it anyway.
imhere4themusic said:
Do you notice how the blockbuster stories of the news fade in and fade out but there's never any real resolution?
I actually cringed when you say "blockbuster stories". I kinda almost ALMOST took offence, as if you thought they were petty plots, overblown for people's entertainment when you talk about Osama, Saddam and all things related to war. But anyway...
imhere4themusic said:
First it was Sept. 11, then it was Osama, then they couldn't fin him so there was Saddam, then he fazed out and then came all those media buzz words; falujah, terrorists, axis of tyranny.. so on. Then came that massive tidal wave that people like to call tsunami, bcoz it sounds better. It just annoys me that the news isn't the news anymore. News programs are becoming more like entertainment programs, not information, and when it is information i hear nothing about whats happening to my city or my people but somewhere else and someone else. People convince themselves they are compassionate because "we care" but all we do is watch the news, we don't help them. And I certainly don't and i feel guilty about it a lot.
How do you feel guilty? You
CAN help.
Perhaps you can't be superman and bring people back to life, and build whole cities or whatever, but you can do your part. It's not SELFISH if you don't give your lifesavings to them, but you have to think REALISTICALLY that you can help in a small way, because it does add up. We DO help. The amount of times someone has stopped me on the street (in one day since I walk from Town Hall, through Hyde Park to Crown St everyday) this year alone has been tremendous. Have you seen the figures that have added up? Several million. And although it may not put things back to the way they were, it does help.
I personally, like many others, on Sept 11th actually were empathetic, not compassionate, to the victims. I cried on that day I saw the footage. It moved everyone. If it didn't move some, I'm sure they would've paused for a moment. People started rearranging their priorities, and I'm sorry if you have already rearranged them back and see it as "entertainment", or the news' potrayal as "entertainment".
imhere4themusic said:
I was in the city the other night and channel 7 has installed a new scroll text informant board, just like the ones in times sqaure and other places, and what did I see? "Queen not to attend Charles' wedding." Who here can argue with me and say that is something that Australian people want to hear, especailly when the monarch has in my view become totally irrelevant. I admit it I'm totally left wing. But that's my view. I didn't accuse any of you people who replied to my first message personally. I don't have a vendetta against you. If you people have a problem with me I'm sorry, but that's your problem not mine. People get so heated up, do they think I'm accusing them? Whoever thinks that must be overly self-centred and paranoid.
Just because you don't want to hear that kind of news, doesn't mean the rest of Australia agrees with you. I understand where you are coming from. Some news are incredibly unreliable, with their priorities out of order, their need to grab a buck (but fuck, they're just doing their job in a competitive field). I totally agree, although you cannot possibly suddenly judge what Australia wants or doesn't want to hear. You can find Classical music boring, I'm investing my uni-fees in classical music. I find Hans Zimmer the best musician ever, you probably don't know who the fuck he is. Your taste in news is different to mine, so speak for yourself.
To conclude, the reason why I even replied is that
your anger towards the media is too stereotypical, and you're only reacting to the mainstream. If you recognise certain media is "all fake" then good for you that you realise it. Why then, don't you turn to alternatives? You do it naturally, I assume, when you listen to mainstream music. Why not the same with mainstream media? Watch SBS, and even if it's still biased news, make your own judgements and
be an independent thinker, not a damn sponge.