Man I completely missed in the exam that magnetic fields only exert a force on moving particles... There goes a mark in the MC for me.
And to all those who think it's ambiguous I'm pretty sure it is C. Note that it's asking for the force at this particular INSTANT, where the particle is stationary. Additionally, just because there is a force acting on the particle does not mean that it necessarily starts to move. There may be another factor that keeps it in place ie. stationary.
Like if you take a cup of coffee for example, you can be exerting a force onto it by your hand, but it may still be stationary because there could be something holding it back, like a wall. There is still a force acting on the cup by your hand but it's not moving... That just goes to show that you could have a force acting on a body which does not necessarily mean movement...
I'm not suggesting this question says that there are external factors keeping the electron in place (though it is implied by the word 'stationary'). I'm just clarifying that by exerting a force on an electron DOESN'T necessarily mean it will move (and it is highlighted in the question by the word 'stationary') and therefore there is only the electric field exerting a force, not the magnetic field. Therefore A can't be an option...
I hope this clears some ambiguities. That's just my 2c. (Though if BOSTES decides it's ambiguous and let's A be an answer, I'd still be happy haha
