Im doing 2 unit and extension 1 maths and i got my tests for both of them back today and i got 70% in 2 unit and 72% in extension 1 and my half yearlies are in 3-4 weeks.
How can i improve on this? and should i be worried that im doing better in extension 1 than 2 unit? 2 unit exam was equally as hard as extension 1 :S
Any suggestions would be great thanks.
Hey there,
If I were you, I would do the following:
1. Find out all of your mistakes. Where did you went wrong (which topics)? Did you understand the concepts?
2. If you do know all of the above, then try doing more questions, different typrs, different styles or even some examination type questions would help A LOT! But If you don't know the concepts or where you went wrong, try to ask your teacher in your spare time (lunh time wtc)/ in class which ever you prefer. Just go through the concepts and knowing where you went wrong. After tou understand them, do as much questions as you can from different textbooks (eg. Cambridge, Fitzpatrick and more)
3. Do lots and lots of past papers. I know there not much preliminary papers however, you can also get some from your teacher, like those assessments from 2008etc. But make sure you have the correct answers/ worked solutions so you can mark them or even get someone else to mark it for you!
It's only the first assessment, it worth about 10% in our Yearly report (I'm not sure about your school but.....). If you get a bad mark, don't be unset, find out where you got wrong and make sure that you will NEVER make those silly mistakes again. You can to do more extra work than other people (not in cluding your hw). do 30 mins of extra work is fine!!
Remember, maths is all about practice, practice and practice. If one method does not work, try the other one. One single method does not suits everyone of us. So that's see how you go! And you cn always post something up on the maths forum if you have any questions.
Good luck with your studies!!