Let x= sec@, dx=sec@tan@ d@
= S (sec@tan@/(sec@sqrt((sec@)^2-1))) d@
= S d@
= @ + C
= arccos(1/x) +C
For I with limits x=3,2.
I = arccos(1/3)-arccos(1/2)
Let a=arccos(1/3), b=arccos(1/2)
I = a-b
cos(I) = cos(a-b)
cos(I) = cos(a)cos(b)+sin(a)sin(b)
cos(I) = (1/3)(1/2)+(sqrt(8)/3)(sqrt(3)/2)
cos(I) = (1/6)+sqrt(24)/6
I = arccos((1+2sqrt(6)/6)
As no one has been able to solve Trebla problem, then (if you dont mind Trebla), for the sake of furthering the progress of this thread, i will post a new question.