they wont ask you to define it, most likely to identify it, anyway
pre-test = while loop in an pseudocode, where the condition must be met before any processes can be run
post test = repeat loop in pseudocode, where the condition must be met after processes have commenced
A guarded loop is the same thing as a pre test loop, because the loop won't happen unless the initial condition is met, hence it's guarded.
I'm not so sure about a counted loop, but I'm guessing it's a loop that happens a specific number of times, regardless of conditions - maybe like a for...endfor loop?
FOR/ENDFOR loops is just a FOR/NEXT loop - that is what they are called in the HSC syllabus. the HSC spec doesn't specify them outright, but they're mentioned in the syllabus. I would imagine FOR/NEXT is a pre-test loop, since the condition is written first with FOR, not NEXT.
The counted loop is always the For..Next loop. It will always be executed at least once, and on each iteration will check if the condition is true.
Java example.
for (int i = 1; i < 3; i++) {
That will print 'Hi.' 3 times. Syntax for the For loop there is for (declaration and initialisation; condition; incrementation). The only time a for loop will not be executed once is when, for some reason, you might initialise the counter to some number that doesnt satisfy the condition.