Media/Digital Production degree would help. I'm at Macquarie doing media...going to major in production.
If you are really really keen best thing to do is make your own movies! You can't just walk onto a set you need to know what you're doing and the best way to do it is start small. Set up a camera and grab a few friends and shoo something. Edit it together and put it on youtube. If it's decent people might actually watch it. Learn from your mistakes and make more until you get better. Put your work together into a portfolio and send it to production companies with a note explaining who you are and that you want to get into directing and can you do some work experience.
Even if you go straight into some work experience you're pretty much just gonna be a runner..getting food, coffee, giving thing to people. Good overall experience but not really that useful. Imo DIY is the best (just did a whole semester on this at uni
