THANKYOU you and wantingtoknow are my heroes.
Ive regretted choosing Finance for ages! Good to know i wont have to do it again if i fail because im definitely not a finance major!
Just wondering though, depending on how I go tomorrow I will either pass/fail this part of the course because im pretty sure that I read that you need to get over 50% in the quizzes and attendance/pariticipation to pass the course just like you need to get over 50% in the exam. So basically, if i fail tomorrow does that mean I dont have to do the FINS exam next week because I cant pass FINS anyway? Or do I still have to do it?
Hope yyou can understand that and thanks!
I'm regretting choosing Finance (or more specifically, FINS1613) as well. I wish that I had dropped it when I had the chance, but my stubborn pride got in the way. I'm never letting it get in the way again. I'm clearly not a Finance major - Maths is my weak point and I hate formulas. It takes me ages to convert formulas to figure out their variables because I'm just plain stupid and slow when it comes to Maths. ;(
I enjoy the Maths in Accounting though. I don't know what's wrong with my head, rofl.
Now, to answer your question - like what wantingtoknow said, I'd encourage you to do the best that you can in your exams, because the marking criteria in the course outline is a little vague. Some of my friends have said that they failed all their quizzes, but they passed the course because they got pretty decent marks on their exam. I'm not sure if that's because of tutorial attendance and participation marks, but if those do play a factor in our tutorial component, then as long as you pass the exam, you might still have a chance at passing the course.
...of course, we probably would only get 1/5 for tutorial participation or more if our tutors are awesome and count asking them for help after the tutorial as participation marks. But as long as you've been attending all the tutorials, well, you'll instantly get 5 marks, so... *shrugs*
hey wantingtoknow do they release the participation/attendance marks onto blackboard for fins1613?
also if i missed 1 tutorial out of the 11 would that mean no chance of a 5/5 for attendance?
If they haven't even bothered to give us our quizzes back, I doubt that they'd bother to release the participation and attendance marks onto Blackboard for FINS1613. (Their student support system is honestly crappy. No PASS classes, no discussion boards, nothing. They don't even give you back your quizzes so that you can reflect over what content you need to look over again... *mutters*)
I also missed only one tutorial, but it was due to an alarm clock problem and I emailed them asking to make up the tutorial in another class, which they let me do, so I don't know if it's still on my record. I guess, like what wantingtoknow said, it depends on how anal your tutor is. My tutor seems pretty nice, but who knows...
Longer explanation of what happened: I have low iron levels in my blood, so it's harder for me to wake up without an alarm clock. (I have papers that prove this.) My tutorial is from 9-10am. Even though I set my alarm clock in time for the tutorial (and I showed my tutor this), it didn't ring. I'll wake up immediately if it rings, because it keeps ringing until I stop it, but it didn't ring at all - even when it wasn't muted, wasn't on vibrate, etc. So as soon as I woke up (at 10am), I emailed my tutor, who told me to email the lecturer. I emailed the lecturer, and he agreed to let me make up the tutorial on another day. Thank goodness for that, because I had a quiz in that class that I had to take!
^ Shows that there's always a way out of a bad situation.