How do you prepare yourself??
I have a laboratory as my first class... What do I need to bring for:
Lectures ??
Also, do I just go into the designated room and get straight into the work ?
Well, like others have said, pretty sure there are no labs or tutorials for this week, if the course outline for that subject is available it should give you a calendar with what's happening, topic by topic, lab by lab etc. Your first lab, it should be a safety induction, you may have to do an online quiz, or fill out some things in your manual i.e where are the fire extinguishers, what do you do when you drop glass etc . Basics.
As far as preparing yourself..uh, just read the lab manual before going in - if it's going to be a more time consuming/difficult experiment, make sure you make a flow chart of the method and highlight specific quantities/measurements etc Try and get that stuff done before going in. Seriously, sounds like I'm over analysing, but reading your lab practical and making a flow chart before you go in, cuts out so much time > quicker to get your work done > quicker to get out the door. I'm guessing enginnering labs are set up similarly to biological/chemical labs?
Tutorials - try and answer the questions before going in, saves time and also they might require you to already have answered/attempted them anyway.
Lectures - Some people bring with them printed notes, but I never bother with that. Just write or use a netbook etc I've seen people bring dictaphones with them into lectures and they get placed on the lectern so it's close enough to record their voice. I've never personally done that, but I'm thinking I
might try it for classes which don't record their lectures on video.
Labs - I know you're a guy, but for any girls who happen across this; ballet flats won't count as enclosed shoes. They usually tend to ask not to wear excessive heels in the lab as well. Heeled boots - meh, stilettos - wtf are you doing in the lab with tall heels gurlfraaaan?
Don't worry dude, it will ALL be explained what's expected for you to bring to each during first week lectures

Hope everything all works out for you this semester.