Next question: Identify one [Australian] manufactured food product and describe the process that transforms the raw materials into the manufactured food product.[/quote]
Bi-Lo home brand potato chips.
This product involves harvesting of the product and its grading intially. Once the food product has reached its food processing plant it undergoes multiple calue adding procedures.
1, The potatoes are once again graded and then washed, rinsed, dried, and peeled, washed and dried again. (this process may last 3 hours)
2, Once the potatos have been cleaned, they are prepared in the desired manner, in this case thick cut. The potatoes are placed on a conveyer belt and are taken through large automated machines and are cut to the specified size [that are put in the machine].
3, individuals are placed at the end of the machine watch and remove any of the products which are not cut or are scrap cuts and are removed and placed into waste bins filled with acidulated water to prevent oxidation browning,[ these pieces are then recycled as instant mash potato]. The left over potato that has been cut continue of the conveyer belt to a large deep frying vat.
4, These potato pieces are then cooked til theyh are 3/4 done.
5, The potato is then removed from the vat by a large automated machine. They are left to drain for 7 minutes.
6, The potato chips are then dried using a dry air machine to ensure that 75% of the residual oil is removed.
7, The potato chips are then feed into a machine that snap freezes them to maintain cell structure.
8, These are then fed into a different machine, which feeds them into preregulated batches. These are then placed in a bag by a feeder. This bag is then sealed using a map packaging. And are placed into a cooler/ cooler truck and are shipped to the retail outlet.
Wow big question but heres another question.
Explain how technology has impacted on employment opportunities and careers
in the Australian food industry. Use TWO appropriate examples to support your
answer. [4 marks] 2003 paper
yeah i agree that this forum is deserted, i only know of 3 people on bos who are ft for the HSC this year,
Kaatie, Fayee and I. Quite annoying, but food tech is always smaller course.
Yay school starts in 2 days