Hey guys.
Just want a few unbiased opinions/comparisons on Fort Street vs Normanhurst. Most specifically the cohort, learning environment, faculties and teachers etc. As for rankings, idm since there's not that big a difference.

TBH I think it's more based around where you live.
I don't go Fort Street, but I know people who go/went there. Cohort, doesn't seem as good as it usually is. Last yr they ranked in the 30s, and I remember in 2014 they were predicting that they would drop ranks but managed to pull their asses forward. This yr, I hear that they are predicted to drop ranks again
Teachers- I don't know but I hear some are good, some are bad. I hear that in 7-10 science, they've got bad teachers and 11-12 phys/chem/bio they've got better teachers. Maths, I heard that since a lot of kids go tutor, the teacher is considered redundant (only in yr 11-12)
Learning environment, idk tbh but I suppose it's good
Faculties-idk about this
A dude from FSHS says ffs we are seriously getting rekt by normanhurst
digusting af
i wouldnt know but normanhurst has always been rank 25-30
we just dropped harshly
we "should" be better
So yeah normo is better than FSHS but at the end of the day it's up to you