Fuck off we're full. Immigrants taking true blue Aussie houses (3 Viewers)


Active Member
Dec 12, 2005

Things'd be a lot better if everyone stopped playing the blame game. I mean, yes, one could argue that there are downsides to immigration, but one could also argue that there are downsides to an Anglo-centric nation, not only culturally, but economically, socially, etc.

And if the xenophobes really don't like it, then THEY can fuck off to somewhere else.

Fuck off, xenophobes - we're full. | Facebook

I'd like to see some of the people on here leaving there homes, their families, everything in search for a better life.

Another limousine liberal. Should China accept lots of immigrants to avoid the downsides of a China-centric nation? Should Egypt accept lots of immigrants to avoid the downside of an Arab-centric nation?


Aug 20, 2007
Islam literally translate to 'peace', it is not about creationism or jihad it is about peace and open mindedness. People must realize suicide bombers are people who are not actual Muslims (praise to Allah), they are just poor and confused young men, who most likely had their family killed in a US/UK bombing.
Islam (praise to Allah) is compatible with the theory of evolution, and it was actually Muslim (praise to Allah) scholars who founded modern science and mathematics, so your assertion about creationism is way off.
Is this what you consider peaceful?

“Fight those who do not believe until they all surrender, paying the protective tax in submission” (Koran 9:29)
“Fight them until all opposition ends and all submit to Allah” (Koran 8:39)
“Fight the unbelievers around you, and let them find harshness in you” (Koran 8:65)
“Fight and kill the disbelievers wherever you find them, take them captive, beleaguer them, and lie in wait and ambush them using every stratagem of war”(Koran 9:5)

Sounds like a tolerant religion all right- tolerant of all but non Muslims. As devout Muslims, suicide bombers attempt to follow in the prophet Mohammed’s footsteps by fighting the Holy War against all non believers, just as the Koran preaches.
In fact, a Pentagon briefing states:

“ His [the suicide bombers’s] actions provide a win -win scenario for himself, his faith and his God…the bomber secures salvation and the pleasures of Paradise. …He defends his faith and takes his place in a long line of martyrs to be memorialized as a valorous fighter…And finally, because of the manner of his death, he is assured that he will find favour with Allah…the selfless sacrifice by the individual Muslim to destroy Islam’s enemies becomes a suitable, feasible and acceptable course of action.”

There are schools all over America teaching young Muslim children to die for Allah and find peace in Paradise, so that the whole of the Western world will eventually become Islamic and follow Sharia Law. Not to mention schools in Muslim countries such as Saudi Arabia teaching children from schoolbooks that instruct them to kill non believers in the name of Allah and despise Jews- a breeding ground for terrorists.

Have you not heard of accounts of Muslim girls wishing by convert and being murdered by their own families in order to preserve their honour? Of Muslims in mosques chanting “death to America!” ?

These are not people who are misinterpreting the Koran- in fact, they are being “good” Muslims by literally following it. The more they read the texts, the more “radicalized” they become. Sure, there are non practicing Muslims, but those who have really read and believe in the Koran do not believe in the ideas of democracy, equality before the law (eg,in countries that implement Sharia Law, a Muslim woman’s testimony is worth half of a mans), or tolerance of others.

Here are some stories from Muslims who finally realized what their religion was truly about.
Islam Watch - Leaving Islam: Muslim apostates, Murtads, apostasy in Islam, Stories-Testmonies-Confessions of renouncing-leaving Islam

It is not peaceful by any definition. Don’t believe me? Do some research


Jan 5, 2010
Is this what you consider peaceful?

“Fight those who do not believe until they all surrender, paying the protective tax in submission” (Koran 9:29)
“Fight them until all opposition ends and all submit to Allah” (Koran 8:39)
“Fight the unbelievers around you, and let them find harshness in you” (Koran 8:65)
“Fight and kill the disbelievers wherever you find them, take them captive, beleaguer them, and lie in wait and ambush them using every stratagem of war”(Koran 9:5)
You should quote the text before and after the ones you used, so it doesn't look like you're being stupid and quoting out of context.


New Member
Jun 13, 2009
Originally Posted by ar7
half of u ppl r completely deluded and hav no idea about the world. u get fed wateva our western media givs u. u get told bout 'muslim' terrorists howeva the ppl hu commit these crimes hav absolutely strayed from the main beliefs of islam. as such many extremists christians hav killed doctors and many innocent ppl in relation to issues such as abortion and stem cell research and premarital sex. but aint it convenient the western media doesnt always tell us this? b aware of the world, not just ur made up discriminant one.

this sort of racist behaviour to omar and his religion is simply unnecessary. omar has shown great humility in not being aggresive and obscene in spite of the awful things he has just read.

the guy has every right to praise Allah espesh as its the SAME god that christians hav. christianity and islam r both abrahamic religions. muslims even consider jesus as a prohphet howeva they believ muhammad was a greater prophet. so quite frankly all u racist pigs must understand that he can praise hueva he feels he shuld.

Excuse me mr retard ar7, but can you please explain to me how race has anything to do whatsoever with religion?

You people can say there are upsides to islam all you want, but the fact is Islam is a outdated and barbaric religion. I cannot respect a religion that values the concept of 70 virgins in heaven over fellow human life, refers to human beings as 'infidel' because they do not share the same religious views. I believe it unfair the western world has to accept islams barbaric ways for fear of being abused for discrimination, Women basically have no rights, and even one of you're religious leaders said IN OUR OWN COUNTRY women deserve to be raped if in a bikini and he suffered no consequences! How can people think this is a peace loving religion?

And i haven't even started on terrorism....
well im done now. Feel free to troll the fuck out of what i said.



et tu
Mar 6, 2007
Vespucci Beach
Uni Grad
Originally Posted by ar7
half of u ppl r completely deluded and hav no idea about the world. u get fed wateva our western media givs u. u get told bout 'muslim' terrorists howeva the ppl hu commit these crimes hav absolutely strayed from the main beliefs of islam. as such many extremists christians hav killed doctors and many innocent ppl in relation to issues such as abortion and stem cell research and premarital sex. but aint it convenient the western media doesnt always tell us this? b aware of the world, not just ur made up discriminant one.

this sort of racist behaviour to omar and his religion is simply unnecessary. omar has shown great humility in not being aggresive and obscene in spite of the awful things he has just read.

the guy has every right to praise Allah espesh as its the SAME god that christians hav. christianity and islam r both abrahamic religions. muslims even consider jesus as a prohphet howeva they believ muhammad was a greater prophet. so quite frankly all u racist pigs must understand that he can praise hueva he feels he shuld.

Excuse me mr retard ar7, but can you please explain to me how race has anything to do whatsoever with religion?

You people can say there are upsides to islam all you want, but the fact is Islam is a outdated and barbaric religion. I cannot respect a religion that values the concept of 70 virgins in heaven over fellow human life, refers to human beings as 'infidel' because they do not share the same religious views. I believe it unfair the western world has to accept islams barbaric ways for fear of being abused for discrimination, Women basically have no rights, and even one of you're religious leaders said IN OUR OWN COUNTRY women deserve to be raped if in a bikini and he suffered no consequences! How can people think this is a peace loving religion?

And i haven't even started on terrorism....
well im done now. Feel free to troll the fuck out of what i said.

lol, internet noob and stupid


Jan 6, 2010
Lol 'Islam' doesn't translate to peace it means submission. It's irrelevant anyway.
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Jan 12, 2006
Don't cry like a child. My family earned our house.
Another +1.

My parents are both University Graduates. My father was a professional footballer in his early 20s. My father works as a Lawyer and my mother as a high school teacher. My parents pay taxes and have no mortgage, they fully own the home. If we were Australian born, everyone would say we have earned our house.

But because we were born in the former Yugoslavia, people claim we stole it and that 19 year olds who had two kids to get the baby bonus deserve it more than us because they were born in Australia. It is bollocks.

Gday m8

Feb 8, 2010
my dad came to AUstralia with 10 fucking bucks and has done more in his 22 years in Australia than the whole of mount druit combined. Fucking true blue bogan cunts are fucking shit cunts. We have 3 cars, 5 houses all payed off and my dad is semi retired at 45. you cunts are fucking shit cunts

thank god the tenants are not fucking bogan. nice young couples with a few kids that want to succeed in life. thats the kind of aussies that we need not bogans
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coked up sociopath
Sep 30, 2009
The American Gardens Building
You ever think that the great majority of the population of Sydney has no desire to live in a high density area? If I bought a suburban home in Sydney 20 years ago why would I want lots of high density development around me?
If you wanted to control the land around you, you should have bought it. You have no right to control what is built on other people's property. I'm surprised to see a conservative like yourself supporting collectivist control over other people's property.

Even if high density development is allowed in parts of Sydney, there will still be plenty of low density outer suburbs and regional towns. If people want low density housing they can move there.
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Sep 11, 2007
Peoples stupidity just never seems to amaze me. So, first we blame the immigrants for reducing the price of propety in certain areas because nobody wants to live in an immigrant area, yet NOW we are blaming the immigrants for raising property value? Come on, make your minds up.

AND the most stupidist thing is that Anglos are immigrants and claim to be natives. The natives are the aboriginals, so why don't you do yourself a favour and just buy a one way ticket to the mother land and join Pauline Hanson.


Tomcat Pilot
Mar 9, 2006
Miramar, CA
Another +1.

My parents are both University Graduates. My father was a professional footballer in his early 20s. My father works as a Lawyer and my mother as a high school teacher. My parents pay taxes and have no mortgage, they fully own the home. If we were Australian born, everyone would say we have earned our house.

But because we were born in the former Yugoslavia, people claim we stole it and that 19 year olds who had two kids to get the baby bonus deserve it more than us because they were born in Australia. It is bollocks.
Umm I don't think anyone thinks you stole it stop being racist against bogans.


Tomcat Pilot
Mar 9, 2006
Miramar, CA
Peoples stupidity just never seems to amaze me. So, first we blame the immigrants for reducing the price of propety in certain areas because nobody wants to live in an immigrant area, yet NOW we are blaming the immigrants for raising property value? Come on, make your minds up.

AND the most stupidist thing is that Anglos are immigrants and claim to be natives. The natives are the aboriginals, so why don't you do yourself a favour and just buy a one way ticket to the mother land and join Pauline Hanson.
Well actually it is a true fact that since the majority of immigrants to Australia move to Sydney it forces up house prices here. And it's also true that no one wants to live near terrorists. Because people try to move out of those areas, there is more demand in other suburbs and less in Bankstownistan. Both situations are true facts but for different reasons.

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