JKD- Previously I was on a 3 day split but really wanted to isolate legs more so made it 4 day and dedicated a day to legs. I tend to do a lot of hiking, biking and other things, so theres the reason. And previously I wasnt doing forearms at all.
What I had was
Anyway, with forearms all I am doing is wrist curls and plate pinches so its not really conflicting with biceps/tris.
What I am having difficulty figuring out is back, I just never seem to be able to feel bent-over rows even though i keep checking my form.
Diet- No supplments mainly because I really cbf researching into all the different supplements at this stage. Just eat eat eat, wheneverwhatever I can, pasta, meat, bread, tuna... Although getting enough food whilst at Uni is hard. Also the fact that I am not "Anglo" means I have a diff diet. Neverttheless, Im just eating lol.
Gaining weight isn't hard, just sure does take its time but.
Edit- Shrugs for traps?? Just out of curiosity is there anything that isolates traps? I mean, everything I do for delts Cuban press, shoulder press and flyes I can feel them i my traps, but just curious, and I cant be fucked Googling it...