I had English Paper 1 on Thursday, which was just on the Area of Study. Fairly happy in that regard, I managed to write 16 full pages overall in 2 hours.
Had Physics yesterday, very very easy. The only thing was that one of the formulas, for centripetal force wasnt on the formula sheet (which was strange because it had the Board of Studies insignia on the top), so anyway we only got told that the formula wasnt there in the last 5 mins, a few ppl were annoyed because they spent valuable time trying to figure out what was going on. I personally remembered the formula, but that question prob will be taken out. Anyhow, when the director of studies found out, apparently she had a scream fest over the phone to someone about it. So someone is in trouble.
Next week I have 3 maths test, but they are fairly evenly spread - 2u monday, 3u wednesday and 4u friday. Also Chem on monday and English paper 2 (in the wild) on friday.