(sorry for double post) (following the format of a previous poster)
Section 2
Entertainment effects- I wrote about TV and how it made cinemas less popular and radio lost its audience etc.
Australia's involvement with the U.N.- Never learnt that.. Pretty much repeated the same 'Australia is a developed country and goes on peace-keeping missions in the middle east' sentence with different wording 4 times to fill the page haha.
Choose Migrants or Women- Migrants, chose multiculturalism but didn't really answer the question on how their rights have changed.
Communist Response- Easy peasy this was the topic I know the best

Extended Response
Age structure in relation to urban planning - Did well in this despite only covering it in the last lesson before exams

, was so thankful it was not the ER question.
Advantages link - Did Aid, aced it

Wish it was worth more marks!!
Response to a challenge - Human rights, blahhhhhhh. 1-2 marks at best haha. Didn't know anything.
Response to a issue - This was awesome

! Have gotten this question in my trials and my prelim trials so I was an old pro haha. Was a bit hesitant when it asked about governments/individuals responses to it instead of the actual geographical processes or whatever but I still managed to do it really well.
Got super lucky with both extended responses, easily my two best topics to cover. UN/Human Rights/Migrants was all a bit vague for me because we only covered them in the last few lessons.. Still managed to fill in every inch of the page with writing haha, hoping to do really well because not many other people care for these subjects and sort of bludge through them. KEEN FOR RESULTS!
There was an option for us to use extra paper but nobody did because the supervisors were really mean about.