yer i couldnt find the area...
tan60 = o/h
o = h * sqr.rt(3)
Area of total triangle = 2 * (0.5 oh)
= oh
= h^2 * sqr.rt(3)
Volume = 10h^2 * sqr.rt(3)
I think that was the answer.
yer i couldnt find the area...
i gothey guys i got pi/4n for 5a)iv)
dx/dt = nroot(a^2-x^2)
then sin-1 (x/a) = nt
then x= asin(nt)
then particles speed is half maximum speed at (a/root2)
so sub a/root2 in then you get pi/4 = nt no?
Did exactly thatYou had to find the area of the triangle and then just multiply by 10.
This is what I did: was isoceles. Construct a line through the middle, form 2 equal right angled triangles. We know the height is h, and we know the angles of the triangle. Use trig to find out the length of the base of the triangle. That gives you 2 sides, which you can use to find the area, which you just multiply through by 10.
And that is correct.i got
max v = an
.'. an/2 = an cos(nt)
cos(nt) = 1/2
Exactly what i did.
tan60 = o/h
o = h * sqr.rt(3)
Area of total triangle = 2 * (0.5 oh)
= oh
= h^2 * sqr.rt(3)
Volume = 10h^2 * sqr.rt(3)
I think that was the answer.
HI-5 i got that tooo!!!i got
max v = an
.'. an/2 = an cos(nt)
cos(nt) = 1/2
looks good... i tried it too.... n failed!
tan60 = o/h
o = h * sqr.rt(3)
Area of total triangle = 2 * (0.5 oh)
= oh
= h^2 * sqr.rt(3)
Volume = 10h^2 * sqr.rt(3)
I think that was the answer.
5biv, think it was just k?For 5biv) what did everyone get?
I had k in my answer everywhere for some reason...
And 6aiii) where did you have to substitute?
6biii) no idea how to get (2n-1)
7cii) Didn't even get to do it.
Other than that, everything else was good.
I got 1 + square root of somethingAs soon as we got out I just looked at my friends and started laughing.....ah it was SO bad it was funny - THIS is EXACTLY why 13 units is a good idea
What did people get as the max value of theta in the first part of question seven? I'm not sure my derivation was right - ahhhhh inverse trig functions drive me crazy!
Woah. I never have to do any ever again. Compensating factors!
for 7 c) ii)im pretty sure ill get 75+ with max at 80/84
That tank q (5b) screwed me for some reason
Was the max value of theta sqrt(a(a + h)) for q 7bii? was the final 7cii sqrt(ah)?
also, could someone please explain why if P is on T, theta is max