Ive always been pretty sucky at maths anc calculations (got 9% in the trials for 2unit maths) and i'd heard from my teacher that physics hsc exams were tending away from being heavily maths based to more 'airy fairy' as he called it, more to do with rmemebering the theories and stuff.... which was fine by me, as i do fairly well in english and subjects where you just have to be able to list your ideas and stuff. Overall i thought the test was a lot easier than previous ones.
The only questions i had trouble with was the one where you were shown two satellites orbiting the earth and you had to calculate the speed and ratio of the 2nd to the first. And also the projectile motion one (i have always sucked at that) but it was only one mark

So yeah, it wasn't 'easy' but i reckon 'easier' than previous ones. Knowing my luck with exams, i'd be satisfied with more than 50%, happy with more than 60%, and if i get more than 70% i'll be screaming 'WHOOP WHOOP WHOOP WHOOP' at the top of my lungs while making snow angles on the carpet