It was a strage exam... but one less exam people. I did the multiple choice, yes there was some 'iffy' questions, but was good overall.
Section two - Christianity (Paul of Tarsus) and I nailed it

Strange to have a source provided though?
Section 3 - Judaism. Well i disagreed with the source (well kinda). I said Judaism palces emphasis on BOTH compassion and justice. Not either/or.
But then I lost it after that and kind of went off track...structure as below:
Intro: Distinctive nature is that Judaism is about relationship with God and people. This is the purpose of life (to maintain good relations) and hence is the response to human existnce.
Paragraph 1: Relationship with God (talk about Abraham and recieving law. Law equals 'just' way of life)
Paragraph 2: Covenental relationship (Moses at Sinia and 10 commandments and bioethics/link to justice as in ethical conduct)
Paragraph 3: This (above) leads to basic knowledge for life (Maimonides 13 Principles of Faith and synagogue service). Idea that kindess is neccessary for good relations (compassion)...this was a wierd argument lol.
Paragraph 4: This (above) is seen in the expression of Judaism (Syn Service with focus on communal nature of worship). Once again compassion is required for communal worship/relation with others.
I screwed up s3... I like the idea, but I don't think they came through well in my essay. At least it finished!
Now to go and study for Ex1 English...