Hello everyone!
Well, I don't want to hog all the limelight here, but I have gotten the results from the selective high schools that I applied to. I'm quite pleased with myself, to be honest!
Listed by order of preference:
1. Girraween High School- Successful
2. Fort Street High School - Unsuccessful
3. Hurlstone Agricultural High School - Successful (same test date as Girra, talked to Principal and stuff)
4. Penrith High School- Successful
A message out there that anyone can achieve anything if they believe! I didn't have the best report (bad marks in PE), but I made it still!

I am really happy... But, please don't judge me, I'm not taking any offers. I believe that I can still achieve in my current school as much as these so called 'selective kids.' P.S. I'd like to thank MissyL for all his support!! Oh, thank you to Balls2u and crex for the help, too!