Let's use tactic's half a milllion page views... and explore into something I know nothing about...
average page view is ~5.787 pages a second. Peak hour flow might be 5 times that (conservative w/o limit), looking at the user number... so ~28.935 pages a second.
The largest page might be the index, 99.3kb when saved into drive.
The school section page aruond 77kb...
A full page thread 80kb w/ poll...
A thread w/ 2 posts 30kb...
The reply page is around 27 kb...
At peak hour, av. theoretic Flow could range from 781 ~ 2,865 kb/sec??? But with most users just viewing threads, the mean would be near the top end... 2,300... (assuming everything is reloaded from the server, everytime)
No wonder the server crashes...
1) Big THanx
This forum is like a giant empire... hard to manage.
2) How'd you get this for free?
The site's doin' pretty well, looking at the load.