Sorry I should have made it clearer
That is My Essay Question.
And I don't Have a Clue how to even go About answering it
so please
Well, it's true as i stated above; so you'll be agreeing with this question. However, if you would like to disagree you can. I'll just help you to conceive your actual essay.
1. Begin by definning what a 'Revenge Tragedy' (or 'Theatre of the blood') is; what does it consist of? Keep in mind the context; the Elizabethan/Jacobean era. The best way to begin is to research but, simply, the theme of "Revenge" is evident in the text (Hamlet avenging his fathers' death) but, through this incessant need to avenge, we see the novel end in tragedy...Correct? Further, t
his was a popular genre amongst the 1600’s as it dealt with murder, revenge, incest, sexuality, suicide and corruption of the monarchy, all which were against the church and the monarchy. Order is disrupted by corruption and is ultimately restored through a liberating morally powerful realisation by the protagonist, through the use of a complex, convoluted and layered plot...just a start.
2. How does this relate to Hamlet? How are the ideas of a Revenge Tragedy inherent in the play? Analyse the themes: Revenge, Appearance Vs Reality, Destiny and Faith, Death (purgatory) etc.
3. Have a look at the rubric for the essay and identify what is required from you.
4. Begin a draft; write down what will be mentioned in your intro, body conclusion. If you have problems with this, i gave 'structuring' advice on the following thread:
5. Have your teacher check and critique your work.
6. Construct your final essay. Goodluck!