I was pretty happy with my results!
Business: 73/80 (1st)
English Advanced: 60/60 (1st by 11 marks

I was shocked)
Chemistry: 45/75 (1st

the person who came second literally got 25/75)
I have decided that I will not drop business for the HSC, and will have 12 units rather than 10 (in case I flunk the chemistry exam, I can't drop chem as it's a prereq for the course I am leaning towards atm, and I also do enjoy it)
I actually did really well in section 2 of the chemistry exam, however I fully flunked the multiple choice..... I think this honestly just came down to lack of practice under timed conditions. I did the mcq's last, which I am glad of, however I had to rush through them and thus did not do a great job.
I definitely did not apply myself to my full potential throughout year 11, I had a pretty lazy study approach (basically crammed in the days before exams) and I am definitely going to start putting in a more consistent effort for year 12.
I mentioned this here a little while ago but I also got 74/80 (1st) in Maths Advanced, I found out today that the one other person in my class got 27 or something