Hi, and sorry for this monster post. I'll be starting a combined Commerce/Science degree at UNSW in March. I'd just like some advice on which 8 courses to pick for this coming year. Most course descriptions on the uni site read like advertising so I'd appreciate some BoSer insight.
The Comm/Sci page (http://www.handbook.unsw.edu.au/undergraduate/programs/2011/3529.html) states that I must complete:
+ 1 first-year math course.
+ 1 statistics course.
+ 3 compulsory core Commerce courses.
+ 4 flexible core Commerce courses.
+ another 7 Commerce courses for a major.
+ at least 14 Science courses.
+ electives
= to make a total of 32 courses over 4 years.
Within Science, I have considered majoring in:
Computer Science
Within Commerce:
Financial Economics / Business Economics
Human Resources
I haven't been exposed to much Commerce in school, so my goal in first year is to get as broad a taste of what Commerce offers, then use that experience to decide whether to keep studying Commerce or to drop/transfer.
I'd like advice on picking strong, non-BS courses. I want to learn stuff that's worthwhile regardless of whether I pursue it through to a career. I think Finance and Economics might make for such "worthwhile" specialisations. Please suggest alternatives that you think might be similarly worthwhile, as well as stuff to avoid.
Considering the above, I've made made my own draft plan for first year:
Semester 1:
+ Accounting & Financial Mgt 1A
+ Microeconomics
+ Managing Organisations&People
(^^^the 3 compulsory Commerce courses)
+ a first-yr Math course (I completed 4U Math for HSC, please suggest)
Semester 2:
+ a Stats course useful for Psych, Physics, Finance and Eco (please suggest)
+ an introductory Finance/Eco course depending on Semester 1 compulsory course I prefer
+ 2 Science courses
Please offer your own suggestions, whether they be large or small, for the short term or long. Cheers

The Comm/Sci page (http://www.handbook.unsw.edu.au/undergraduate/programs/2011/3529.html) states that I must complete:
+ 1 first-year math course.
+ 1 statistics course.
+ 3 compulsory core Commerce courses.
+ 4 flexible core Commerce courses.
+ another 7 Commerce courses for a major.
+ at least 14 Science courses.
+ electives
= to make a total of 32 courses over 4 years.
Within Science, I have considered majoring in:
Computer Science
Within Commerce:
Financial Economics / Business Economics
Human Resources
I haven't been exposed to much Commerce in school, so my goal in first year is to get as broad a taste of what Commerce offers, then use that experience to decide whether to keep studying Commerce or to drop/transfer.
I'd like advice on picking strong, non-BS courses. I want to learn stuff that's worthwhile regardless of whether I pursue it through to a career. I think Finance and Economics might make for such "worthwhile" specialisations. Please suggest alternatives that you think might be similarly worthwhile, as well as stuff to avoid.
Considering the above, I've made made my own draft plan for first year:
Semester 1:
+ Accounting & Financial Mgt 1A
+ Microeconomics
+ Managing Organisations&People
(^^^the 3 compulsory Commerce courses)
+ a first-yr Math course (I completed 4U Math for HSC, please suggest)
Semester 2:
+ a Stats course useful for Psych, Physics, Finance and Eco (please suggest)
+ an introductory Finance/Eco course depending on Semester 1 compulsory course I prefer
+ 2 Science courses
Please offer your own suggestions, whether they be large or small, for the short term or long. Cheers