I've got this economic assignment that im kind of confused about.
well the task is:
Outline the major environmental issues facing modern economies and analyse government policy to address environmental management issues.
In the outcomes it says i need to investigate 4 main categories of environmental issues facing modern economies.
See if iv got the 4 main catergories then i am set. I did find something in the book, i dont know whether it is or not :S what i found is..
- pollution control
- preservation of natural environment
- depletion of renewable and non-renewable resource
- externalities
Your advice/suggestion will be much apprieciated
Thanks in advance.
I've got this economic assignment that im kind of confused about.
well the task is:
Outline the major environmental issues facing modern economies and analyse government policy to address environmental management issues.
In the outcomes it says i need to investigate 4 main categories of environmental issues facing modern economies.
See if iv got the 4 main catergories then i am set. I did find something in the book, i dont know whether it is or not :S what i found is..
- pollution control
- preservation of natural environment
- depletion of renewable and non-renewable resource
- externalities
Your advice/suggestion will be much apprieciated
Thanks in advance.