You're going to credit the Liberal with creating the capitalist economic model (high growth, low unemployment, low inflation)? It will only last for so long... we got it from the US, who you reckon are experiencing declines... we will inevitably experience declines too. It has nothing to do with the govt. in power.
re: currency, dude.. Do you not understand supply/demand? Perhaps Australian currency is heavily traded for our high quality meats and agriculutural products due to the land we have compared to other countries, or because other currencies like the US are stronger than the AU dollar and with our share prices being lower than the US generally, there is g reater returns to be gained in cheaper stocks. DEMAND/SUPPLY, that's all there is to the Australian dollar. End of story, stop throwing irrelevent facts in which you don't even back up to make yourself look more credible.
Destroying award wages isn't cool... why would it be cool that people go to work for $10/hour when they are trying to support a family? Take away award wages, you will have to sign enterprise bargaining agreements to get a job... I know of guys who sign them in the same industry as me and get $5.50/hour less than me and it's just not worth working then. Destroying award wages will also reduce the amount of money consumers have to spend since they are now being paid less, slowing growth, upping umeployment levels due to lack of growth.