If those were the options

then I agree with you.
If those were the two options, then everyone would agree with you. Doesn't the fact that there is this huge debate prove that it isn't that simple?
No it only proves it isn't that simple if you're an idiot and you know nothing about World War 2, which you have clearly demonstrated you don't.
This was extremely unconvincing
My point is that there were not only two options - invasion or atomic bomb.
They demanded unconditional surrender when Japan wanted out. Then after the bombing, they let Japan keep the emperor anyway! What does that say?
Did my brilliant metaphor not convert you?
Again - after the war, when Japan was disarmed, they had no reason not to let the Emperor stay. Secondly, the surrender option was ignored by the Japanese. They had no intention of surrendering, and as soon as the allied forces became lax and decided that perhaps Japan had had enough, they'd have been raped in the arse by the Japanese, Pearl Harbour v2.0 style.
Japan surrendered less than a week after the bombings. What does that say?
even if that is true
that's like saying:
oh hey it's ok that I chopped my innocent sister's foot off because - I was planning to chop her whole leg off.
the logic sucks
No your logic sucks, you're a dead set imbecile.
Hiroshima and Nagasaki were specifically targeted because of their immense importance to the nips. Hiroshima was an arms base, logistics, and it was responsible for the defense of most of southern Japan. Nagasaki was a sea port, which also has obvious significance to the Japanese Navy. This was by no means a random attack on civilians. If they had bombed Tokyo or another area of dense civilian populations, perhaps we could be arguing that the A bombs were unjustified.
They weren't.
And I seem to remember Australia being bombed multiple times, (most notably Darwin which was targeted for the same reasons as Hiroshima and Nagasaki, it was a highly important sea port and base for the Australians and Americans) and I seemingly remember a midget sub coming into Sydney. Do you not think if the nips had the technology, that they wouldn't have done the same to us?
You can't argue ethics in a war that had no rules. Given that the bombs were devastating to Japan, you clearly have no idea what Japan was like as an enemy.