Hello ! to begin with I am Asian who studied at Cornell last year and due to my
financial problem, I am currently studying at ANU. When I look at this forum, it seems that many Aussies have something I would call "vague vision" because as I have attended an "Ivy league" university and australian uni, I can see that at an undergraduate level, there is no point of going to US to study because the quality of students and teaching quality is bascially equal unless you are super smart who can use all facilities.. ( you can't).
PLUS,, expense............hwwwwwwwwwwwww ;; save your money seriously..... do not overlook your valuable experience at AUS UNIS.....
I understand those people who wanna study in US for postgrad or graduate studies.......... but .......... to study ............. at an undergraduate level I think there is no point of studying at there........seriously....
Australian universities are enough......... do not waste a lot of money.............;;
(ESPECIALLY University of Mich and UIUC;;;;;;;;;;;
financial problem, I am currently studying at ANU. When I look at this forum, it seems that many Aussies have something I would call "vague vision" because as I have attended an "Ivy league" university and australian uni, I can see that at an undergraduate level, there is no point of going to US to study because the quality of students and teaching quality is bascially equal unless you are super smart who can use all facilities.. ( you can't).
PLUS,, expense............hwwwwwwwwwwwww ;; save your money seriously..... do not overlook your valuable experience at AUS UNIS.....
I understand those people who wanna study in US for postgrad or graduate studies.......... but .......... to study ............. at an undergraduate level I think there is no point of studying at there........seriously....
Australian universities are enough......... do not waste a lot of money.............;;
(ESPECIALLY University of Mich and UIUC;;;;;;;;;;;