ill do the recap for heba, but if i left anything out, then feel free to step in and add
hugh was still pissed off at rachel for trying to set him up with julie, and even though he said he had a good time, his facial expression showed otherwise and just gave rachel the cold shoulder
rachel then bugged him to tell her whats wrong, because since theyve been friends for a long time, she knows when something is up, so she pressured hugh into saying whats wrong but he wont budge and said that everything was alright
then later on, hugh felt bad and came to apologise to rachel about his behaviour, and when rachel kinda guessed that the reason for his behaviour was because he missed someone else, he kinda had the look 'oh crap shes going to expose me' but then she was talking about his ex gf, to which he replied that it was the reason for his behaviour because obviously he didnt want her to find out that hes still in love with her
anyways kit had another contraction again, so kim packed like a few bags and a cd player and rushed kit to the hospital but that turned out to be a false alarm, so they went back to kit's place and kim fell asleep right there
cam's club is on the verge of shutdown

when investers pulled out, leaving his business in disarray, and he gets all frustrated, and martha comes in, with a cup of coffee to calm him down, but that makes things worse...shouts at her and tells her to get lost, and obviously she left the room in tears and rushed back to the diner and hugged alf
then they just talked and then cam turns up on the doorstep offering to apologise to martha, and now theyre back on speaking terms
i think that was about all happens next week nooooooo