:wave: Hi H&Aers.
I have been off sick today and was feeling sick last night and so I wasn't able to come to the computer later last night and most of today only reason I am on now is to email my teachers.
Although the last two episodes (today's and yesterday's haven't been that great/interesting).
My comments on last night's episode:
For a doctor Rachel really isn't that bright. I it is sooooooooooooo clearly obvious there is something between her and Hugh and yet she fails to see it and acts all surprise when suggested. Either that or as I suspect she feels it to and is just ignoring it but the sooner they get together the sooner Kim and Kit can <3.
Jules is so sly and with the lamest lines but I agree with Jess he does mix things up a little but as we very well know his type of character doesn't last very long. Aww how cute are Belle and Drew they belong together.
My comments on today's episode:
Cassie, Cassie, Cassie when will you ever learn the more you tell someone they can't be together the more they will want to be together. *cough* Cas and Macca *cough*.
Although she is right but Lily needs to find this out for herself since she is head over heals for the guy let her take a big fall, can't protect them all. Oh and were did the helpline go, what you help one person and it's a job well done close up shop. I mean I know Cassie wasn't aloud to go back and answer phones/work there but still they could show it or refer to it at least sometime in the near future.
My, my Jules has a temper oh and he needs a hair cut badly so doesn't suit him.
Everyone going to Adelaide is sort of there way of saying the whole Hunter family was there as they don't have to actually show the funeral nor that they weren't there, they can talk about them all being there without us actually seeing it.
Amanda, Amanda when will you learn I mean she is rich enough and smart enough to protect her assets and not leave things to her sister who if she actually opens her eyes everything that goes wrong stems from her. I hope they catch her out but somehow I very much doubt it.
HAHA Siz I am so staying right out of that argument.
I am a loyal HAA fan and have just been watching it not BB although since I wasn’t in my room watching it on my computer today I did flick over in the commercials to BB.