Nathan doesnt scare me *sticks tongue out*
And yes, this is probs the best sig, i love it
Oh i see where Jess is coming from, if i had to chose from Haley and Andrew, i'd prpbs chose Andrew, since he is the guy. LIke chosing between Jack and Martha, i chose Jack coz he is the guy
Emma was the one complaining about everyone loving each other last night. She annoys me, and so does Kate. And Aleisha is the cute girl you're talking about Heba. I like her too. Haley, Andrew and Aleisha are my favs. Rebecca, Kate, and sometimes Emma are my least fav. I like all the guys, even Billy
HAA, the best show ever

Im watching Neighbours now, its so stupid <_<
OMG i think we went a whole week without seeing Colleen, maybe she is on tonight, otherwise yeh no Colleen