The door Jack entered from is the one coming from the Diner. Is there a door next to that one, because when Martha 'shot' Ric last year, he came in from the door next to the one from the Diner. And then theres the main door coming from the outside where Cam was standing when he saw Jack and Martha on the beach, and also where Martha left the apartment after spending the night with Brad, but not in that way.
Anywyas, she doesnt love him she doesnt love him

I love her

And Cam got beaten up -dances- And Jacky, love him. He loves his lasagne, like me
Poor Kit

Baby Archie looked big for a one-week old, when Kit was holding him on the sofa. But he looked small when Kim was holding him. Soooo cute though <3
Overall, pretty good episode. Tomorrow will be sad. Oh and Tony's last scene made me sad

And then BB was sad too, so its all very sad tonight