I think I will play devils advocate on Matilda part/in her defence. She probably applied/got special consideration even though she hadn't completed her HSC she still did apply/or at the very least notified the uni of her situation. As far as I remember she only did 1 exam - but like Jess said she completed all the assessments and stuff before. She was probably ranked high as well and I think the course was going to accelerate her HSC (my idea of that was all the assessments etc done fast of course exams not until october) and then be allowed to start studying some of her uni course.
At least that is how I understand it. Also with it being in WA we could assume that there are kids who are less advantaged then the eastern states maybe/since their unis have lower uai/whatever they have so it does stand to reason they would bend over backwards helping.
Melody was a different maybe what some people could consider "weird" character and she brought something very different to the show so in the same regard she should be liked just as much.
I hope Axel gets made a regular/ I think there could be a good backstory to his character in there somewhere or maybe because i just want another BWH actor on the show.
Annie is being exactly like a 14/15 year old is like so she is doing good - I still laugh how she offered to help Kirsty with the computer though. Again Nicole is something different and I think she will change heaps by the end of the year so you might do a backflip.
Seems I like defending the different characters but I like it when shows try something new and it works.
My thoughts on tonight's episode:
Ric was good with Kirsty and Oliver funny all the computer trouble Kirsty was having, going to be a good laugh when she starts work I think.
I like how Belle was almost playing devils adovate to Aden about Larry saying how it's an addiction that at this point in it he just can't control. Would be nice if Belle would confine in Irene who has been through a drinking problem and would know people he could get in contact with that could help.
I to liked how simply/not a big deal it was that Aden was moving back to Romans - kind of like the idea you always have a roof over your head with me.
I didn't like how Martha didn't want to tell Jack I mean after all there problems they should be as open with eachother as possible I mean I know she didn't want to worry him/ruin the scan for him but still. Something they could of both went through together.
Good that Tony's op went ok.