Whee~ My two cents!
Firstly, to answer the question: "Choice or No? Disorder or No?"
I'm going to go ahead and say 'choice', because just like with religion and many other things out there, people have the undying ability to deny something no matter how strongly it is related to them. To a degree it is an impulse, but to an extent of that degree there is a point in any individual where they can stop and say, "Yes. I am gay."
I'm also going to go ahead and say 'disorder' but I think that's a very poor choice of words. Biologically, we reproduce male-to-female, not female-to-female or male-to-male. Homosexuality is not a 'natural' (again, a poor choice of words on my behalf. Excuse is, please) procedure in life. I agree with something along these lines:
Personally I think that a pre-disposition is established bio-chemically in the brain during pregnancy. This may be a strong pre-disposition or it may be a weak one. As a result sexuality occurs in graduations from heterosexuality to homosexuality.
Now, to ensure my following statements somewhat valid, I have met gay people before, but don’t think of them as meeting them as ‘someone who is gay’ (which I’ll explain in a moment). One of my closest friends is homosexual, and she’s very proud of it – to the point where I have met many others of the same sexual orientation. The thing is, I don’t see them as ‘gay people’ but rather as just ‘people’. A label is a very dangerous thing, and simply stereotyping others into such a category clouds judgment, and doesn’t let anyone see the real person behind it. I mean, my friend was still the same person the second she came out. But I know she has come across a few people who think differently, and it’s rather unfortunate, to be honest.
Dustin_z is a very good example of a person with clouded judgment. I mean, after reading his statement, it’s not only offensive, but uneducated. Really, why should people judge others, or in this case a group of others, based on a mixture of fiction, myths and extremities?
The problem with this issue is that it’s made an issue, and that people usually have a very limited view about it. Sure, compared to the past, people are more understanding about it, but really, in the end, why should topics like this be considered and questioned? At the end of the day all “gay people” are, are people.
Well… that’s it for my two cents. Just wanted to say something about this, really.