Homosexuality in Australia (4 Viewers)

What do you think of homosexuality in Australia?

  • Yes, i strongly support it.

    Votes: 674 48.5%
  • I somewhat support it.

    Votes: 201 14.5%
  • No opinion

    Votes: 182 13.1%
  • I do not support it.

    Votes: 334 24.0%

  • Total voters


Jan 30, 2006
sam04u said:
In religion 'god forbids homosexuality', and anatomicaly, there is no natural mentality or chemical imbalance which definately will cause a person to be homosexual
You mean physiologically.
And theres no physiological reason for being heterosexual either..unless you want to argue that whole "survival of the species" that some biologists propose and that we are set to procreate by the chemical messages running through our brain etc etc. In with case that theory would be flawed considering a lot of people don't want children and dont have them either-despite being heterosexual.
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The Power Is Yours...
Nov 6, 2005
wafflesnsorbet said:
You know what I really disapprove of? Homosexuality-bashing, PRHAWRPOUGK. ANTICHRIST. Pro-homosexuals bashing those who aren't comfortable with the idea: Totally acceptable, baby! Those people are, like, sooooo evil anyway...

As I stated before. I'm not against it. Let love be love. But what I am against is the fact that it often isn't about love (1), and that making gay marriages legal would only act to commercialise homosexuality (2) and make it less about emotions and more about sex (3). Sure, it may or may not be natural. There are historical figures that displayed homosexual tendencies. But why must people have to announce it to the whole frigging world about their sexual proclivities? Good God. Just shut up already. If you really were in love, you wouldn't make such a big deal about it. (Just look at Tom Cruise). It is called EXHIBITIONISM.

People don't share the same opinions. Live with it, people! If the world was that ideal, things wouldn't be as fun anyway. Lay off the 'anti-homosexual' bashing.
And stop making random stats up. It's annoying.
What? How can you say that homosexuals are being exhibitionists about the issue of gay marriage? And how is homosexuality not about love, just sex? How would it commercialise gay marriage? That is really stupid.
They are extremely invalid points and don't make sense. I'm assuming you're heterosexual, (as you are obvioulsy not comfortable with homosexuality) and that makes you a hypocrite.
You said yourself "let love be love" but then do a backflip saying that gays are all about sex and not love. What? That is not true, and is unfair. If it was just about sex why would homos be seeking marriage rights? Sex between homo's in Australia is legal, so how would gay marriages be just about sex?
Commercialise gay marriage? Okay, that does not make sense at all. And if it is commercialised, it wouldn't be any more so that heterosexual marriages, or anything else that exists in this materialistic world.
The fight for gay marriage is not exhibitionism. By allowing them the right to marry they are not screaming to the whole world that they are gay, they are sharing with their friends and family the person they love and whom they want to spend the rest of their life with. You'll find that it's the same for hetero's as well. And they are making a big deal of it...THEY SHOULD! They are being denied the same rights as heterosexuals which is unjust. After all, they are people too and deserve to be treated equally. Denying them the right to marry is extremely discriminatory

sam04u said:
Listen, you freaking imbecile. I'm 'pro' human rights in all people, regardless of preference and what not. Homosexuality has been proven to not be genetic, and this information is accessible to anyone who has an internet connection. I understand that you may feel persecuted, but that isn't my fauly. I just don't want people forming the illusion that homosexuality is natural.
Don't call me an imbecile when you obviously have no idea what you are talking about. And who ever said it was genetic? No-one dickhead!
FYI, I am not homosexual and I don't feel persecuted against at all. However, I do feel for the people that are. What is so wrong about homosexuality anyway? It's not unnatural.
Your theory is that every gay person has had an unnatural thing happen to them to "make" them homosexual. I have gay friends who are totally normal and come from typical families. They come from stable homes, have heterosexual siblings, supportive parents and are relatively comfortable financially. And none of them have been to jail and ass-rooted by other homos...so how did they "become" gay? Explain that? No offence, but your ignorance is starting to really annoy me.


Comrades, Comrades!
Sep 13, 2003
*Ninny-mole* said:
Don't call me an imbecile when you obviously have no idea what you are talking about. And who ever said it was genetic? No-one dickhead!
FYI, I am not homosexual and I don't feel persecuted against at all. However, I do feel for the people that are. What is so wrong about homosexuality anyway? It's not unnatural.
Your theory is that every gay person has had an unnatural thing happen to them to "make" them homosexual. I have gay friends who are totally normal and come from typical families. They come from stable homes, have heterosexual siblings, supportive parents and are relatively comfortable financially. And none of them have been to jail and ass-rooted by other homos...so how did they "become" gay? Explain that? No offence, but your ignorance is starting to really annoy me.
Actually, I know exactly what I'm talking about. I read up on the hormonal imbalance which actually does cause feminimity in males and masculinity in females. Yet, psychologically, they would still express regular sexual tendencies. (resources such as wiki and others), then using statistical information about homosexuals, they're as you say 'no different to anyone else'. Some are feminine and masculine, but even that isn't 100% of the time.

Then you look at the 'environment' and social and ethical values, and it has the 'most effect'. Basically, it then could be 'derived' that it isn't genetic (how often do you see both children in a family being homosexual?) and it isn't inherited, it isn't a hormonal imbalance and it isn't a mental retardation. Therefore, I can accurately say that the 'environment', will most likely lead to somebodies sexuality, where it is against that which they are naturally suited for.

It's in animals (in captivity), many animals can be observed as being 'homosexuals' and the majority of times it 'only' happens in domesticated animals. Why are domesticated animals more likely to be homosexual then wild animals, even when they're the same species and what not? They actually can become 'ONLY' sexually attracted to other species of the same sex.

It also happens in prisons where people are under extreme circumstances, many become homosexual and stay that way. (much greater then the 10% which exists outside of prisons, it would be close to 20-25%)

Therefore, Logically, homosexuality is an unnatural response to changes in the natural environment. (I'll try not to post here anymore).

Also, I would like to say that I agree to homosexual civil unions and rights, I just want people to understand what it is, and therefore not encouraging it, even though it probably can not be controlled, in our modern environments.


Premium Member
Feb 13, 2004
Uni Grad
"Concerning the Pope's claim that homosexuality is 'unnatural'. Perhaps the Pope is suggesting that it lies beyond the scope of 'normal' human behavior. If so, this has uncomfortable implications for an association of old men who wear dresses, hear voices and practice ritual cannibalism. Self-enforced celibacy is all but unknown among other animal species. If any sexual behavior is out of tune with the natural world, it is surely that of the priesthood."
George Monbiot, The Guardian, July 13, 2000

Comrade nathan

Active Member
Mar 30, 2004
read up on the hormonal imbalance which actually does cause feminimity in males and masculinity in females.
You're lying. You have yet to show sources for such research. You're making up statistics, you can't even mention any links after claiming anyone with a interenet connection should know your arguement. This thread should be closed because we are arguing with someone who has no legitimate basis for their arguement. We can't continue on with your immature arguement.
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Comrades, Comrades!
Sep 13, 2003
Comrade nathan said:
You're lying. You have yet to show sources for such research. You're making up statistics, you can't even mention any links after claiming anyone with a interenet connection should know your arguement. This thread should be closed because we are arguing with someone who has no legitimate basis for their arguement. We can't continue on with your immature arguement.
It's going to be on T.V tonight, I think 'Today Tonight', where one twin is a homosexual and the other is straight.
They're identical twins.
Therefore, any genetic, or hormonal imbalance would be shared. This means that nobody is born with a definate sexuality. Environment can have an adverse effect on the mentality of the individual. A living arrangement or environment, can play a strong role, in changing the sexuality of someone. They're probably also going to reiterate with genetically identical animals showing different signs through experimentation. Watch it.


Active Member
May 12, 2005
Greater Bulli
sam04u said:
It's going to be on T.V tonight, I think 'Today Tonight', where one twin is a homosexual and the other is straight.
They're identical twins.
Therefore, any genetic, or hormonal imbalance would be shared. This means that nobody is born with a definate sexuality. Environment can have an adverse effect on the mentality of the individual. A living arrangement or environment, can play a strong role, in changing the sexuality of someone. They're probably also going to reiterate with genetically identical animals showing different signs through experimentation. Watch it.

i've been reading through the last few pages. you are an absolute pain. and you cannot provide your rants with evidence from naomi robson. you may as well go to doctor freaking who. (of whom i'm a personal fan of)


Comrades, Comrades!
Sep 13, 2003
nwatts said:

i've been reading through the last few pages. you are an absolute pain. and you cannot provide your rants with evidence from naomi robson. you may as well go to doctor freaking who. (of whom i'm a personal fan of)
Lol, what do you want me to do man? go to google and type "are homosexuals unnatural?" Lmao... I don't care "that" much.


Active Member
May 12, 2005
Greater Bulli
sam04u said:
Lol, what do you want me to do man? go to google and type "are homosexuals unnatural?" Lmao... I don't care "that" much.
ah, you've spent a significant amount of time here aruging your point. so you clearly do care. it seems a practice of this forum to provide sources to information that is outside your own theory, in order for other people to actually have something to consider and argue against. so just do it or leave.
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Andrew Quah
Oct 19, 2003
Sydney, Australia.
Lol, what do you want me to do man? go to google and type "are homosexuals unnatural?" Lmao... I don't care "that" much.
Well if you're not willing to do so, don't go and put your opinion out there, under the guise that it's 'common scientific knowledge' without ever actually having done ANY RESEARCH.


ὄσον ζῆς...
Aug 26, 2004
sam04u said:
It's going to be on T.V tonight, I think 'Today Tonight', where one twin is a homosexual and the other is straight.
They're identical twins.
Therefore, any genetic, or hormonal imbalance would be shared. This means that nobody is born with a definate sexuality. Environment can have an adverse effect on the mentality of the individual. A living arrangement or environment, can play a strong role, in changing the sexuality of someone. They're probably also going to reiterate with genetically identical animals showing different signs through experimentation. Watch it.

It's actually '60 Minutes' - and that's a very hasty and ill-informed conclusion to make. I believe they will be dealing with the evidence that sexuality is determined in utero. Twins provide a viable study not because they rule out genetic and pre-natal causes, but because they allow scientists to study biological causes.


Comrades, Comrades!
Sep 13, 2003
goldendawn said:
It's actually '60 Minutes' - and that's a very hasty and ill-informed conclusion to make. I believe they will be dealing with the evidence that sexuality is determined in utero. Twins provide a viable study not because they rule out genetic and pre-natal causes, but because they allow scientists to study biological causes.
It's not hasty and Ill-Informed. I came to this conclusion about 2 months ago after researching it for a different arguement. It does rule out genetic causes you half wit they have indentical genetic information. It proves that 'environment', is the cause, proving that homosexuality is not genetic.

Re: N-T-B,
I've searched information before, I'll put up a few links in a few minutes. It's not that hard to find, It's just annoying.

Re: Nwatts
Not necessarily, I know I'm right in this particular arguement, I've searched the information and looked at other statistics. eg(extreme environments such as domestication and prisons.) I don't need to prove it to myself, but I guess I'll find the links. I think if you read my last few posts I do a process of elimination and use statistics... I'll try and prove each point with a link.

Besides, you imbeciles! my Intelligence exceeds yours!


Active Member
May 12, 2005
Greater Bulli
i don't know whether you're intentionally being annoying/provocative, or are serious in being a total cunt. either way, stop it.


ὄσον ζῆς...
Aug 26, 2004
sam04u said:
It's not hasty and Ill-Informed. I came to this conclusion about 2 months ago after researching it for a different arguement. It does rule out genetic causes you half wit they have indentical genetic information. It proves that 'environment', is the cause, proving that homosexuality is not genetic.

Re: N-T-B,
I've searched information before, I'll put up a few links in a few minutes. It's not that hard to find, It's just annoying.

Re: Nwatts
Not necessarily, I know I'm right in this particular arguement, I've searched the information and looked at other statistics. eg(extreme environments such as domestication and prisons.) I don't need to prove it to myself, but I guess I'll find the links. I think if you read my last few posts I do a process of elimination and use statistics... I'll try and prove each point with a link.

Besides, you imbeciles! my Intelligence exceeds yours!

It actually doesn't rule anything out - it suggests that a combination of genetic, pre-natal and very early post-natal factors are involved.

This sums it up nicely:

'A number of studies have looked at homosexuality in twins, all with similar results. For example, in one study, if one identical twin was gay, the other was also gay 50% of the time. If they were fraternal twins, they were both gay 22% of the time. And if one was adopted, the chances fell to 11%.

Now these numbers are from one study. Other studies have different percentages but the same trend—identical twins are more likely to both be gay as compared to fraternal twins.

This strongly suggests that there is a genetic component—there is something in their genes that makes them more likely to be gay. Genetics, though, isn’t everything.

If it were, then identical twins would both be gay 100% of the time. And this clearly isn’t the case.

And if it were all environment, then identical twins would both be gay as often as fraternal twins. Again, this isn’t the situation.

In the womb, things happen that can affect how we develop. A surge of hormones here, a viral infection there, and we are not the same as we would be without these environmental factors.

Handedness is an example of this. Some people have genes that make them more likely to be left-handed. Not all of these folks end up lefties, though.

Something else has to happen while they are developing. Scientists haven’t pinpointed what this something is but it is the combination of genes and environment that makes someone left-handed. '


Comrades, Comrades!
Sep 13, 2003
goldendawn said:
It actually doesn't rule anything out - it suggests that a combination of genetic, pre-natal and very early post-natal factors are involved.

This sums it up nicely:

'A number of studies have looked at homosexuality in twins, all with similar results. For example, in one study, if one identical twin was gay, the other was also gay 50% of the time. If they were fraternal twins, they were both gay 22% of the time. And if one was adopted, the chances fell to 11%.

Now these numbers are from one study. Other studies have different percentages but the same trend—identical twins are more likely to both be gay as compared to fraternal twins.

This strongly suggests that there is a genetic component—there is something in their genes that makes them more likely to be gay. Genetics, though, isn’t everything.

If it were, then identical twins would both be gay 100% of the time. And this clearly isn’t the case.

And if it were all environment, then identical twins would both be gay as often as fraternal twins. Again, this isn’t the situation.

In the womb, things happen that can affect how we develop. A surge of hormones here, a viral infection there, and we are not the same as we would be without these environmental factors.

Handedness is an example of this. Some people have genes that make them more likely to be left-handed. Not all of these folks end up lefties, though.

Something else has to happen while they are developing. Scientists haven’t pinpointed what this something is but it is the combination of genes and environment that makes someone left-handed. '
Are you reading what you're writing? I've been saying this since about two days ago.

This strongly suggests that there is a genetic component—there is something in their genes that makes them more likely to be gay. Genetics, though, isn’t everything.

If it were, then identical twins would both be gay 100% of the time. And this clearly isn’t the case.
I already mentioned that a slight 'hormonal' imbalance can contribute to homosexuality but the major contributor is the environment. Assuming that identical twins will have the exact same life experiences or environment is inane.

And if it were all environment, then identical twins would both be gay as often as fraternal twins. Again, this isn’t the situation.
Impossible, identical twins are more likely to experience more similar environments than fraternal twins.

Look at prisons for example, the population is almost 2-3 times more likely to become homosexual, and the majority of those remain homosexual. (I'm not talking about homosexual acts, but actual homosexuality).

Anyone who knew how to operate a search engine could find the information. (See for youself)


Active Member
Jul 26, 2002
sam04u said:
Anyone who knew how to operate a search engine could find the information. (See for youself)
No, sam, it is up to you to provide the information.


ὄσον ζῆς...
Aug 26, 2004
sam04u said:
Are you reading what you're writing? I've been saying this since about two days ago.
If your intelligence were nearly as high as you'd like to make it out to be, you wouldn't need to ask this question.

sam04u said:
I already mentioned that a slight 'hormonal' imbalance can contribute to homosexuality but the major contributor is the environment. Assuming that identical twins will have the exact same life experiences or environment is inane.
What you've failed to specify is when this 'hormonal imbalance' (this isn't an appropriate classification, by the way) occurs. You've given quite contradictary accounts; you've stated that hormones do not alter sexual orientation, yet just now you've added the proviso, 'can contribute' (ps: love the low modality. You could take your argument any direction now, depending on how the debate pans out).

sam04u said:
Impossible, identical twins are more likely to experience more similar environments than fraternal twins.
You've conflated nature and nurture. Identical twins are no more likely to experience 'more similar environments' than fraternal twins. This is common sense. Fraternal twins raised in the same household share a 'similar' environment. How is this any less 'similar' than that experienced by identical twins?

sam04u said:
Look at prisons for example, the population is almost 2-3 times more likely to become homosexual, and the majority of those remain homosexual. (I'm not talking about homosexual acts, but actual homosexuality).
More likely 'to become homosexual'? I'd much like to see those statistics. Every major health organisation states that sexual orientation is solidified in early childhood. 'Situational sexuality' is when a heterosexual or homosexual person has sex with another individual who is not of their usually desired gender - this is very prominent in prison, but it isn't lasting. It doesn't change the fundamental object of ones' romantic and sexual attraction.

sam04u said:
Anyone who knew how to operate a search engine could find the information. (See for youself)
Anyone who knows how to operate a search-engine could also find 'convincing' websites about alien abduction, conspiracy theories and prophesysing teleologists.

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