Homosexuality in Australia (7 Viewers)

What do you think of homosexuality in Australia?

  • Yes, i strongly support it.

    Votes: 674 48.5%
  • I somewhat support it.

    Votes: 201 14.5%
  • No opinion

    Votes: 182 13.1%
  • I do not support it.

    Votes: 334 24.0%

  • Total voters


Ecclesiastical Die-Hard
Jul 14, 2004
meh you guys just cant distinguish material pleasures -esp sexual pleasure- from any other. Locked in this cynical world that denies all spiritual realities and grinds men down to mere matter. Such drifters


meh you guys just cant distinguish material pleasures -esp sexual pleasure- from any other. Locked in this cynical world that denies all spiritual realities and grinds men down to mere matter. Such drifters
Christianity can be explained away by the stars, the sun and the constellations.

Christmas = winter solstice

Ressurection = 3 days later when the sun rises one degree and the days start getting longer again. Its during this time when the 3 brightest stars (named the 3 kings) point to the sun rising. Why do you think god is the sun the light the truth etc etc etc.

Seriously there's about 10,000 other religions that have similar narratives based on these realities.


Mar 11, 2009
My World
-'cause if you're not really here
then the stars don't even matter
now i'm filled to the top with fear
but it's all just a bunch of matter
'cause if you're not really here
then i don't want to be either
i wanna be next to you-

something like this?

p.s. this song is awesome. i'm not religious though
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Ecclesiastical Die-Hard
Jul 14, 2004
Why do you do it iron?
lol i know
I do find it an interesting social wound to occasionally lance. How (most) people can get such a fundamental thing so wrong does fascinate me somewhat.


New Member
Jan 23, 2009
At last I agree with one of you fumbling dumb-ass homos! Homosexuality is nothing short of a denial of God. This is all I insist on too.
Now furrow ur brows in a vain attempt to understand the situation:cool:
The sooner that social conservatives like the imbecile above die out, the better.

You, sir, are a prime example of what the human race is going to be deeply ashamed about in years to come. I hope you don't intend on running for public office in the future. Because someone will find the posts you've made here, and you'll go down so fast you won't know what happened.


Oct 5, 2007
The sooner that social conservatives like the imbecile above die out, the better.

You, sir, are a prime example of what the human race is going to be deeply ashamed about in years to come. I hope you don't intend on running for public office in the future. Because someone will find the posts you've made here, and you'll go down so fast you won't know what happened.
Just so you know, Iron is Tony Abbott


Nah you're right in as much as the virus can pass through the mucous membranes.

I am going to use the word designed here, but when I say designed I don't mean designed by a creator... I mean from an evolutionary point.
The purpose of the anus *biologically* is to expell waste products? Every part of the body has been designed through nature and adaptation and blah blah for a specific purpose. So my point re: the vagina is that the vagina is perfectly designed for sex and reproduction. The vagina is to sex what the mouth is to food. Biologically, the anus is not a sex organ. The anus has a sphincter, the vagina does not. The vagina produces copious amounts of lubrication in response to sexual stimulation, the anus does not.

I wasn't arguing against what you were saying I don't think, I think originally I was arguing against

Because I think you can still say made and designed without implying there is some great creator. Also I was very hung over so in my head it probably made sense.

Well made for sex doesn't compute well with homosexuality, because homosexuality doesn't compute well with reproductive biology. If we didn't have assistive reproductive techniques, those who were born homosexual who were not willing to engage in heterosexual sex to pass on their genes would die out (their genes, if u know wot i mean. just like priests and nuns and anybody else who cant or chosesnot to reproduce. Homosexuality would not die out, but if you forget our higher thinking for just a second, our biological purposes and a lot of our primitive urges are not that much different from animals. Not that passing on genes is at all important for humans anymore, we're not like lions or whatever in that we absolutely have to ensure the survival of our seed. idk, but you get my point yeah?

So I still maintain that biologically, the vagina is a sex organ with specific adaptations and responses that make it *perfect* for sex. The anus is not, but with all things that doesn't mean we can't use it for that purpose.

So just to clarify;
- I don't believe in a designer
- But I believe that biologically, the anus has a specific design for a specific purpose and butt sex is not one of those things
- However, I do not see anything immoral or wrong about butt sex or homosexuality, so point 2 is somewhat void.
- You were right about HIV transmission, I shall not argue
- If it's not on, it's not on ok?

p.s. that article was very interesting. So even though *naturally* you guys can't have bebbies and whatever, you still play an important role in humanity, yay!

like ive just read everything i've said and it appears as though i am calling homosexuality unnatural. i'm not, i think that homosexuality is as natural as the hair on my head. it's anal sex across the board i am discussing, not just homosexual anal sex.
I see what you're saying, and you're completely right - my point stands, though, about how HIV is transmitted and that moll was wrong about it.

My other point was that I'm going to have to call a distinction between "created" and "designed" though. I would see evolution as like a water source turning into a river - it just sort of flows the easiest path and creates a river with little bits that branch off but don't work out so well. There's no design in it, really. Maybe I just freak out every time I see that word because of Intelligent Design - seems that some people just replace a god with nature and *poof* the same values can be transferred. Or maybe it's the linguist in me - if you want to say 'the anus is biologically designed to..." then you need to make that passive sentence active and make a subject; eg "nature designed the anus biologically to..." which doesn't really work out.

It's difficult being a branch. :-(


i'm a fireball in bed
Mar 6, 2008
island of screaming orgasms
Nah you're right in as much as the virus can pass through the mucous membranes.

I am going to use the word designed here, but when I say designed I don't mean designed by a creator... I mean from an evolutionary point.
The purpose of the anus *biologically* is to expell waste products? Every part of the body has been designed through nature and adaptation and blah blah for a specific purpose. So my point re: the vagina is that the vagina is perfectly designed for sex and reproduction. The vagina is to sex what the mouth is to food. Biologically, the anus is not a sex organ. The anus has a sphincter, the vagina does not. The vagina produces copious amounts of lubrication in response to sexual stimulation, the anus does not.

I wasn't arguing against what you were saying I don't think, I think originally I was arguing against

Because I think you can still say made and designed without implying there is some great creator. Also I was very hung over so in my head it probably made sense.

Well made for sex doesn't compute well with homosexuality, because homosexuality doesn't compute well with reproductive biology. If we didn't have assistive reproductive techniques, those who were born homosexual who were not willing to engage in heterosexual sex to pass on their genes would die out (their genes, if u know wot i mean. just like priests and nuns and anybody else who cant or chosesnot to reproduce. Homosexuality would not die out, but if you forget our higher thinking for just a second, our biological purposes and a lot of our primitive urges are not that much different from animals. Not that passing on genes is at all important for humans anymore, we're not like lions or whatever in that we absolutely have to ensure the survival of our seed. idk, but you get my point yeah?

So I still maintain that biologically, the vagina is a sex organ with specific adaptations and responses that make it *perfect* for sex. The anus is not, but with all things that doesn't mean we can't use it for that purpose.

So just to clarify;
- I don't believe in a designer
- But I believe that biologically, the anus has a specific design for a specific purpose and butt sex is not one of those things
- However, I do not see anything immoral or wrong about butt sex or homosexuality, so point 2 is somewhat void.
- You were right about HIV transmission, I shall not argue
- If it's not on, it's not on ok?

p.s. that article was very interesting. So even though *naturally* you guys can't have bebbies and whatever, you still play an important role in humanity, yay!

like ive just read everything i've said and it appears as though i am calling homosexuality unnatural. i'm not, i think that homosexuality is as natural as the hair on my head. it's anal sex across the board i am discussing, not just homosexual anal sex.
"Made for sex" huh?

Well what about couples who engage in oral sex? The mouth isn't designed for that purpose right? The penis is a sensitive organ, and against a hard set of teeth, I'd say it'd be pretty painful. I mean, if the mouth was designed for that purpose, then wouldn't there be some means to retract our teeth?


i'm a fireball in bed
Mar 6, 2008
island of screaming orgasms
Hmm, I just don't see why people can't accept the fact that homosexuals exist..

It's not like they'll do anything to you, will they? Of course they'll do something if you go on a hate campaign..
Because it goes against their values. Euthanasia, abortion, capital punish are other examples.

The rest is kinda weird, but your effort is nonetheless, admirable.


Feb 11, 2008
Western Sydney
Imagine a world of only homosexuals? Then you will realise if it is wrong or right. If in doubt of something, take it to an extreme and it will be heard and found.


Imagine a world of only homosexuals? Then you will realise if it is wrong or right. If in doubt of something, take it to an extreme and it will be heard and found.
Imagine a world of only males, or females.



There would be no world. What's your point?
.... What was your point?

You said:

Imagine a world of only homosexuals? Then you will realise if it is wrong or right. If in doubt of something, take it to an extreme and it will be heard and found.
I assume you were implying that a world full of only homosexuals would be bad.

But obviously that's stupid. What did you mean?

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