If you're leaving school this year, study for the SCs but I don't think people can leave at the end of this year anymore...So the SC is basically useless

I'm just going to concentrate on studying for the yearlies and then when the SCs come I would just look over stuff five minutes before the test and be like,"Ahahahaa I knooow this...kinda.."
Still still I do have to get good bands to shut my 'rents up. o__O
SC Aim: Band 5 or 6 for all (Probably get band 5 for computers because I did a Computer multiple choice and found out I knew nothing about spreadsheets D
How I'm going to study for YEARLIES

-Read over books (notes all in there...some not but are in my textbook)
-Look at the nice coloured pictures in the textbooks coz I like nice coloured pictures
-Draw mind maps coz it seems more fun than to write notes
-Write out all the formulas I see in my yr 9 and 10 maths books (erk)
-Answer the PDHPE study guide
-Read over drama shit on the net
-Do the SC multiple choice tests (found out i had no idea what dna was doing this thing so yeh useful. It lets you know you have to learn a bit more stuff.)
-Watching this movie about communism coz i like tv
-Heard that smell triggers your memory or some shit like that. Might spray something and study. (The only spray we've got around the house other than cockroach spray is Air Wick Lavendar 4 in 1 spray.)
-I am supposed to be a visual and a kinasthetic learner (not quite sure how to spell that). So. A lot of people are visuals so use nice coloured pictures, lots of colour in your notes if you are using notes. Kinasthetic. Erm you can write/type up notes. But I get bored and if I'm on a computer I tend to things I'm not supposed to do when I'm studying sooo.. You can chew gum. That's supposed to help you but I get distracted coz i concentrate on chewing rather than studying.
-Listen to music without words. With words I like to sing along

But absolute silence for me is cool for me...
EDIT1: How long.