Learn to control your body language, you want to give an aura of confidence and fun (outgoing?). Don't cross your arms, that seems defensive, don't cross your legs, that's also defensive. Roll your shoulder back with your chest forward (not like a douche, but you get the idea). Stand up stall and straight, arms to the side (don't put it in your pocket) and your chin should be up.
Your speech should be slow (not turtle slow, just not quick -> hesitant) and deep. Avoid using uhmmm's/uhhhs.
Dress up tidy and clean, well-groomed and use cologne/deo.
A good way to improve your social skills is by just dedicating a day talking to random people off the street.
Start off small, soemthing like "hey excuse me, would you happen to know the time? (obviously without wearing a watch, otherwise thatd just be weird)" or if you're waiting in line for food or whatever "hey i was thinking of trying [this], have you ever tried it?, is it good? etc etc.".
You can then pick it up to the point where you're out shopping and asking for opinions from random males (?) or females.
The hardest thing is overcoming anxiety, if that is abolished, just being yourself will suffice to any kind of person (unless you're by nature a huge asshole).