^CoSMic DoRiS^^ said:
yeah, well. We seem to have come through plagues and famines and wars and etc etc etc without any noticeable threat of extinction. I'm not worried.
It's estimated the world's population passed the point of sustainability around the mid-1960's.
Since then the population has grown massively, ever increasing, to be far too large. Australia in particular.
This year we are starting to see major food shortages. I've read it attributed to land being set aside for bio-fuel, but given how limited the landmass used for bio-fuel is currently, it shows how precarious our food supply is and close we are to population limits.
And that's just food. Fresh water is a far bigger worry. And then there's oil.
The numbers of people dying due to shortages of basic necessities will increase greatly within our lifetime.
There will be many wars. Beyond that, things are unclear, outlook bleak.
edit: Mayan Apocalypse 2012