How do you guys make your notes? everyone is different, personally i type mine up considering that they can be edited, arranged, and printed easily as opposed to hand written notes which may become lost or may be illegible. Also, you can't really put diagrams and pictures through hand writing, so yea. So, my advice would be to try both, but don't leave this too long, the first term of HSC is gone already and you need to stick to a consistent regime of one form or another. Most people i know hand write notes, but its personal preference in the end.
DO you use other people's notes as sources of information or just textbooks? Both, you need to have a set of guidelines or say 'target' as to what your goals should be like, check other high achieving students notes and try to structure your notes similar to theirs. Also, don't rely on a single means of data to collate your notes, instead utilise notes, textbooks and online simultaneously to utilise only the best and most relevant information in your own notes.
Please outline how you write your notes As most notes do, you follow the syllabus dot points and elaborate on them. Most if not all HSC textbooks are made this way and this is also how your notes should be.
How do you stay motivated and consistent in studying? Well studying will lead to a good university degree, which will lead to a high paying job, which will allow for room for spending more money on your wants as opposed to always stressing about your needs. You don't want to fall behind, and live a miserable life unemployed with no money. Consistency is hard to manage IMO but it is necessary, instead of using a timetabling scheme of organising work, use a 'to do list' to set yourself realistic goals which you know you will accomplish. Through this, you will feel accomplished and remain productive instead of bludging. Also, it is important to remain consistent throughout all your subjects, revise thoroughly and do extra homework, never stop learning, whether it be from a textbook or youtube, knowledge is everywhere and the more your have, the better it will be for you.
I really hate studying like REALLY hate it. What can i do to overcome thisWho doesn't

, but in all seriousness, this is the end of your high school journey and will literally be the key to what you will be able to further study after HSC. Just think about the past 11 or so years you spent schooling that have led up to this, and let that be an influential motif to try your best and to not give up now. If you wan't to enjoy study, only study for short amounts of time, say 30mins per subject, followed by 15min rests. This will be effective as you will get the most out of your study time and will avoid 'burn out' which leads to boredom and thus hatred of study.
How do you memorize all your notes?For commercial studies, i find that consistent re-reading works fine for me. For sciences, you must ensure you understand and know why things occur and cannot simply rely on rote learning. For math, learn to derive your formulas instead of remembering them through repetition. Remember, its not only notes that lead to success, you must do past practice papers to familiarsie yourself with the questions that may be asked in tests. Also, don't get stuck into thinking that quantity is more effective than quality when doing past papers, WRONG! If you are bad at one past paper, redo it a few days later and try your best to fix your mistakes and further improve on questions your think are worthy of top marks.
How do you not be lazy and just study?Honestly, just start studying, avoid distractions such as your computer, phone, and all technology basically and begin with just a book, pencil and pen. Set reminders, and make it a habit, you need to study smarter not harder