I just do set homework on weeknights, so it will be about a minimum of 5 minutes and a maximum of 5 hours (I'm kinda a last-minute girl...)
Study? Well I don't exactly study every day. What I do is... the night before a test, I write absolutely everything onto a single bit of paper, and i read it over and over before I go to bed, and again when I wake up, and even right outside the classroom before I go into the test, untill I have a mental picture of it stuck in my brain. Some may call it cramming but there's nothing wrong with it, I say! Lol... but enough about my demented study habits. (I don't recommend them.)
I need to ask for your advice. I'm not the kind of person who's good at following a schedule. Should I try to do a set amount of revision every night anyway? At the moment, my marks are ok but there is definetly room for improvement.