The amount of study, what you study, how you study and how much you can learn and retain varies so much between students the time needed to study is almost not compariable.
The amount you study and when you study will likely fluctuate throughout the year probably going from only a 1 or 2 hours to 3+ hours when approaching exam periods and then decrease during high assessment periods, unless they are exams of course.
The main thing with study is make it practical (doable) and make it work for you. Not one study method will work for every student so you have to find exactly what works for you and how many hours of study you need.
A lot of this advice is repeat every single year because lets face it we usually only learn through making our own mistakes that is why it's easy to give advice in hindsight. Also know what study and homework\assessment work is.
Try not to burn out and have a realistic reason to study, goals and study plan - be that a timetable, list etc. Don't forget to reward yourself for a good amount of study\things leant.