well.. i feel like i know most of the content.. but when iit comes to exams.. i get around 70-80s. well.. basically im trynna ask is how people get full marks.. like even when i felt i answered the whole question.. the teacher will not give all the marks..
um.. i was wandering if people follow the - "if it says identify" write a 1 word answer..
and if so.. im assuming u follow it with the "outline", "discuss", "explain", etc
can u explain to me the steps involved in answering certain questions..?
like.. for example. dicscuss TWO polocies that infleunces.. lalalaa, or outline Two Policies that influences.. lalala.. im my eyes they are the same question..
um.. i was wandering if people follow the - "if it says identify" write a 1 word answer..
and if so.. im assuming u follow it with the "outline", "discuss", "explain", etc
can u explain to me the steps involved in answering certain questions..?
like.. for example. dicscuss TWO polocies that infleunces.. lalalaa, or outline Two Policies that influences.. lalala.. im my eyes they are the same question..