I speak english just fine, nobody's challenging my ability to. There's deficiencies in my grammar/punctuation and yes I do try my best to keep correcting myself so I hope that my english is up to my level of age one day.Nietzsche said:If he's been in Austalia +10 years, there is no adequate reason why he should not be able to speak fluent English. Therefore he is a retard.
Since you're an idiot, I'll draw something out for you. My parents also came to Australia from Greece like me. My mum went straight into high school then worked into retail and did accounting, working with english speaking workforce. My father on the other hand went and worked with other europeans (greek, italians, croations). To this day my parents have been in Australia to 25 years, using that shoe-size matching IQ of yours, take a guess who's english is better.
Now put this in the same context of me, I spoke purely greek at home, never talked much at all in public school and then when it came to high school I hanged around the greeks and spoke to them in greek anyway. All along at the same time I was gradually learning english, if you heard me speak it you wouldn't believe its my second language. I was simply to afraid to speak english worrying that i'd keep getting a lot of pronunciations wrong; this is the exact reason a lot of asians with thick accents don't like speaking english.
I probably have a number of grammar/punctuation errors in this paragraph, my carefactor for that is somewhere in the negative zone.
Also re-read her post "where the fuck did you come from?" and then apply it to the context, she is asking where geographically/nationality where you are from.
multiculturalism; you know that context "Australia is multicultural"; granted we should speak english and that I do, but we also need to accept "hey, if he's born there and speaks it too his family, chances are its better than his english"
I had to save the most stupid comment for last; i'll let you figure out why it is. Next post you make, ask me if I can type in english.If he's posting on an English speaking forum, he should!
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